What do you pay for comprehensive motorcycle insurance?

Discussion in 'Insurance - Sponsored by Ducati Insurance' started by Badger, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. My quotes for a 1198 have varied wildly. 31, 5 years no claims and a quote of £950. Garaged in Surrey.

    Any ideas on rough guides?
  2. £350, but over 50!
  3. £319.00 age 42 1198s
  4. £ 133 for a Sportclassic 1000S and Monster S2R.
    Thats the joy of being over 50:wink:
  5. Through Ducati Insurance, two bikes, Aprilia runaround and SF848. 5 years NCB protected and about £630. Garaged in Surrey. 44 years.
  6. Im 27 , 3 years NCB , pay £500 for a 848 and M1100S
  7. Fully comp, protected bonus, ride other bikes £146.50, Multi 1200S with £3K accessories declared, 48 living in Lincs ( 7 yrs NCB )
  8. £550 fully comp for a 2004 749 with 1yrs ncb and 1 claim against me
  9. £350 Fully Comp, 2 bikes kept on private property (1098S + SDR), 4 years NCB, in Central London, 48 years young :cool: Bargain me thinks.
  10. £280 Fully comp for two Duke Superbikes.... 41 yrs, No points, Max NCB, Garaged in Cheshire
  11. Now we both know that's being slightly economical with the truth Roy now don't we..... over 50 - just not said how much over... lol!!
  12. £110 with protected NCB, break down and declared extra's on 749r.

    45 years young with 9year NCB, no points.
  13. Hyper 1100s garaged protected full NCB age 43 Squeaky clean licence...£120
  14. Just paid £456 for 1098 Tric, Bostrom Rep and 748E. Would have been £506 if I had kept the 916 on as well but not using it this year so saved a few quid. Used Ducati Insurance who were £20 cheaper than last year for the same bikes which seemed ok to me. Clean licence, max ncb and over 50.
  15. 51, advanced rider 9+ years NCB protected on my ST2 £99 fully comp.
  16. 40 something 2 years no claims
    Fully comp £95
    1998 600ss
  17. £501 comprehensive multi bike policy 1198S and Fireblade 4 Years NCB, with MCE age 57
  18. '97 748 - £97 fully comp, me being 38 yrs old, 9 years NCD...(Bennetts - Shite service, but the cheapest way to stay legal!)
  19. 848, garaged, Lincolnshire, 2 yrs NCB, 43 yrs old, - £186.
  20. £240 fully comp, 36, 5 years NCB, garaged in North Wales, M1100evo, clean licence. This is with Bennetts who weren't necessarily the cheapest but offered the best overall package. I know people complain about them though, and I probably wouldn't go with them again...they took ages getting my policy right.
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