Yesterday I had an easy one with just three hours on the slope. I ached all over but particularly my neck and lower back as I'd had a bad "slam" the day before when I caught an edge whilst laughing at a mate who'd just stacked it (that's karma for you kids) Yesterday afternoon/early evening was spent in the pub watching the rugby and getting mildly pissed. Yesterday evening I gifted @Char youtube video of Diana Bastet's "Thunderstruck" tribute to the lads on the tv in the chalet. You've never seen so many middle aged men looking dumbstruck with stupid grins on their faces Today I'm coming home.
this morning I have done nothing . I am going to do the same for the rest of the day. Save walking to the shop for wine and making an epic steak sandwich soon I'm gunna watch tv and troll on here... Everyone likes a troll...
Went into town and met with my daughter, ate tapas drank wine and watched the world go by. A good Saturday afternoon! Today I'll be taking a leaf from Chiz's book. (Maybe not the trolling bit)!
Had a cold ride up to the cafe at 8.30 for a nice fried breakfast then back home to clean the car after getting it back from the body shop the other day, and then it rained all over it.
I have had an hour in the shed welding, an hour watching TV and an hour invoicing, now for some lunch. I'm sure I've lost some time somewhere. Steve
Well, last night my daughter had a litttle baby girl. Very happy for her mum and dad. That’s a little year old boy and newborn girl. Granda for 2nd time
Just a satin black using rattle cans, may or may not take the heat? If not, I'll just get em powder coated, but for the sake of 15 quid in paint, I thought it was worth a go.