An Ex Corse backed National Championship winner that used to look like this...(No 65) and now looks like this after being totally rebuilt to as new condition by a Danish Dealer / Owner... I will however put another set of race body work back to it's Glory Days as I feel this is only right. A new bike - Norwegian Championship winner from a Danish Dealer secured when in the office of a Swedish owned company where I work and a new Finish biker chick girlfriend all in the same week - life is sometimes very very strange indeed and full of ups and downs, but this particular 'up' ................ I like it a lot
Just as a point of order @Exige ..........following a girl around for days doesn’t make her your girlfriend, it makes you her stalker
Cracking looking Honda there, Elise! Nice. Sorry to hear that you've finnished with your latest Eurogirl : o (