1200 Optimate

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Ballbagracer, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. So on my (new to me) Multistrada I have a lead like this
    I then bought a lead like this
    to connect to my charger.........but they are not compatible grrrrr. What lead is it I’m looking for, pretty please.

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  2. Why don't you replace the fly lead on the bike to match your Optimate?


    I do have an adaptor on one of mine though. The Desmo has a factory fitted lead for the Ducati charger very similar to yours and I had to use an adaptor to connect to the Optimate. It works fine.

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  3. Off topic slightly - what's the view on using an optimate when I've got the soft cover on in in the garage in Winter? I'm guessing I should really remove it but I like the idea of the bike being on trickle charge AND covered.
  4. Just cut off the white connector and fit/crimp 2 ring connectors. Job jobbed :upyeah:
  5. The battery will produce Hydrogen when charging, which is unlikely to collect in a soft (non waterproof cover), but clearly there is a risk of explosion if it did.
    Worse would be if the battery was overcharged... then you'll make hydrogen-sulfide which is very nasty. When mixed with water this becomes very corrosive. Most people can detect the rotten egg smell at just 0.5ppm... When dissolved in water it can give that musty / brackish taste. (Edited following Wayne's post).

    Why not just remove the battery and charge on a shelf over winter?
    If you decide to jump on the bike on a nice winters day, you've still got to check brakes, tyre pressures and a whole host of other pre-ride checks anyway?
    We need to make a quick crib sheet on the "removed battery" adjustments.
    Change KPH to MPH and setting the time!
    #5 AirCon, Feb 5, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2018
  6. Leave mine on all the time when the bikes are in their pyjamas :)

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  7. Can I just add that the H2S produced from charging or over charging battery is in fact a quite low PPM rate. At 100-150 parts per million, H2S has a rotten egg smell to it, and does not become lethal till much higher concentrations are present (Ironically, when you can no longer smell it). We work with H2S daily as it is a product of desulphurising Naphtha(Petrol) or Gas Oil (diesel etc). At the concentration rate a charging battery puts out, you should not be overly concerned about a breathable cover on your bike, providing it, or your garage are not 100% airtight, am sure it'll be fine. :upyeah:
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  8. GRRRRRR....
    Change those plugs.... my OCD is going hyper!
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  9. My concern is when hydrogen-sulfide comes in contact with water it becomes very corrosive and just to be clear most people can smell / detect it at 0.5ppm... 300 times less than your low rate....
    #9 AirCon, Feb 5, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2018
  10. You mean 300 times less than my low rate ;)

    PS, the real world experience you speak of, I deal with this day in day out AC ??
  11. Well, my slightly milder form of OCD was going nuts when I had one white plug and one black plug per pair of chargers. I had to change them around. :cold_sweat:

    I am ashamed though. Next time I'm in Screwfix, I'll pick up a box of white plugs. :pensive:
    • Love You Love You x 1
  12. I didn't even notice you weirdo OCD freaks !!! :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. that's what I said.... Less? (I corrected this on first reread... you must of had the first copy on screen).

    Do you get any corrosion issues from this?

    Sorry... I should have chosen my words more carefully. I did not mean to belittle and will reword immediately .

    What I meant to say is we should use frames of reference that people can easily use rather than TLA and ETLA like PPM and chemical formula.
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  14. Mate, I can't keep up with all these corrections, cheeky monkey !! :D
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  15. PS, yes its very corrosive AC, especially when you start talking % concentration rather than PPM, we have some treat gas streams that are large % H2S, or hundreds of thousands PPM, but used in the correct material lines or using chemical filmers etc all help to prolong line longevity. And back on topic.........

    To the OP, just cut the white connector off and fit 2 lecky ring connectors, That'll do it :D
  16. They are in the house luv it
  17. Opimate UK SAE Accessory Leads
    Checks... What checks, put chain lube on, it starts... go out... like yesterday 10mins through a blizzard (Lincs Wolds) and dry else where...

    Ok so observation checks no flat tyres, nowt dropping off...

    I use to leave my trickle charger all the time through winter, but ever since reading your horror stories, (especially lithium batteries which all my bikes have)I thinking differ...
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  18. Err arn,t the batteries sealed.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. On the Mutley you have to check the rear brake still isn't working.
    If that F**ker starts working it's really going to catch you out!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Cause this my first bike with abs am guessing you have to stamp on the brake lever or pedal make them work...
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