Hi Everybody....it Is Mike...sitting At My Desk In Vancouver, Canada

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Mikeey43, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. u may be wondering why a guy in Canada joined a forum in the UK...the reason is simple..i love the Brit accent...enjoy visiting the UK..all my wife;s family is from the UK including WW 2 war heroes...plus Brits are really in tune with the motorcycle.

    it is still mid winter here.... and i am starting to get the ride itch..so I started up my ducati st4 to hear that one of a kind exhaust sound. that thing is loud with the aussie Staintune pipes without the baffles.

    BC is great for riding...mainly the secondary roads which are rough, extremely twisty and full of great scenery...other than exciting road conditions you have to keep your eye out for animals...deer, moose, bear, etc. last year I almost clipped a wolf.

    I did a posting in the st4 forum re a malfunctioning fuel/temp gauge. Please have a look if u have the time.

    anyways....everybody have a great evening....thanks, Mike
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Welcome Dave
  3. Welcome Mike :) we have members from all over the world - due to this being the best Ducati Forum anywhere o_O:upyeah:
    Have fun!
    Mid winter here but not likely as cold as yours :cold_sweat:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Welcome and enjoy Winter here too but a balmy 13 degrees C :eek:
  5. Hi mike,
    Welcome the forum!!
    I love Vancouver, I’ve been there twice over the last few years and just can’t get enough. I have family that live there (they have a house in West Vancouver on the mountain that over looks the bay)...B.C is such a beautiful, picturesque place, I’m really jealous you get to ride there!
    All the best anyways and hopefully someone will be along shortly to help you with you ducati issue.
  6. Welcome along mate :cool:
  7. Hi Mike, Welcome to the forum. :)
  8. mike,, it sounds like you got it easy out there on the road,we only have to look out for potholes and morons.please load pics of bikes when you get a chance:upyeah:
  9. We accept all parts of the world in this forum as long as they post pics of bins and bike and that they are red :D

    Welcome into the mad house
  10. Bloody wolves, always in the way!
  11. Hmmm, why is a guy in Canada doing joining a UK forum? :thinkingface: Weird. o_O Welcome anyway Canadian Mike. :upyeah:

    Not all UK accents are the same. Scottish for example is indecipherable (yes they are part of the UK and always will be, no matter what some of them say). Yorkies are too lazy to even say "The" and replace it with "T" Most of the rest of us are OK.

    Pictures of your fine Canadian bins when you get a moment please? Maybe some of your bike (but with a bin also in the picture)

    Oh, and if your Ducati isn't red, avoid @Ducbird It may be her birthday today, but she can bite if provoked by a non red :motorcycleduc: bike. :worried:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Says the Geordie !! :D Why eye pet and howay man ??

    PS. Scottish people are part of the UK now Rob, they have accepted the fact that they are Very Northern Englanders (VNE's)
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  13. Agreed :grinning:
  14. welcome aboard...
  15. upload_2018-2-9_11-6-6.jpeg
    my favorite bin but dont tell @Ducbird
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Welcome along mate
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  18. no shortage of morons in canada
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  19. is a bin a garbage can?
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. Yes!
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