A303 Stonehenge Tunnel Proposals

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. as you say, a very informative document and if the water table references are accurate than it looks to spell disaster.
  2. are submarines required?:thinkingface::p
  3. Or perhaps they are using the same guys who built the Channel Tunnel?
  4. Seems a lot of fuss given most kids who learn history only go back as far as the first iphone.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. In the case of the Severn Rail Tunnel, ever since 1886 50 million litres of water per day has had to be pumped out, to keep the tunnel dry.

    Waterproofing a short, shallow road tunnel against the effects of the water table should not greatly challenge 21st century civil engineers. In the Netherlands, all tunnels are below the water table as a matter of course.
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  6. but this is England.. any design that relies on pumping out water as an ongoing solution to a problem is a stupid one (IMO) and particularly as general flooding throughout the world is increasing.
  7. Or it could be the way that a road which has been a good motorway-standard dual carriageway all the way from London, about 70 miles, suddenly reduces down to a cramped country lane just as it approaches Stonehenge resulting in continual jams. So the monument is ruined by the nearby traffic, and the road is ruined by the funneling. Is there really anybody who wants the present situation to continue indefinitely?
  8. That's as may be, but the point is that this proposed tunnel is not likely to suffer disastrous flooding whatever happens to the water table.
  9. we'll just have to disagree on that one then Peter. I reckon this has got as much chance as going ahead as the Thames Garden bridge, I only hope they don't sink millions into it before aborting in a similar manner.
    #29 Chris, Feb 9, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018

  10. tell that to the average basement dweller :upyeah:
  11. Cant they just take them away or move them somewhere else?
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  12. nice bit of hardcore for the driveway!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. The old main road to Exeter was the A30 via Salisbury until 1958 when the A303 (passing well north of Salisbury) became the trunk road. The A303 trunk was supposed to be upgraded in stages. Indeed it has been, but after 60 years the job is still not completed. About time it was!
  14. Most visitors are not allowed to wander freely among the megaliths. I did - but that was as a boy 60 years ago.

  15. He created quite a bit of excitement at work - at least he didn’t bring his dogs with him like the queen :)
  16. Wondered quite freely during the stonehenge festivals!
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  17. hard to believe that was you 60 years back!! You've aged well... Obviously you don't see quite so much sun these days.
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  18. We climbed over the fence and jumped up on the stones about ten or so years back. I remember getting chased across the field by a one eyed National trust dude! It’s ridiculous that people argue against road development but are happy to put up with constant near standstill traffic in busy periods.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. At Morwhellam, there are mine workings in the side of the Tamar Valley and the Victorians actually installed a huge waterwheel underground in order to keep the mine pumped out.
    How’s that for lateral thinking :)
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