Waiting on my Clarke ramp to be delivered on Monday. Might be a good idea for me to look at something similar. Andy
Went to the Ace, saw Pete1950 and Chizel. Wicked little bike Peter, put up and photo for the forum. Went to Hoo Hing and did £170 on Chinese food. I wonder what vegetarians taste like? I've got some noodles that flavor.
These past few days I've been looking after SWMBO who has full blown man flu (following a suspected heat attack last week up in Jockland whilst visiting #1 son - after an hour and a half of chest pain followed 6 hours of testing/scans in 2 hospitals they decided it was indigestion ). I feel knackered.
Been in the garage having a bit of a tidy and reorganisation. It's a bit windy, but dry, sunny and not too cold. I can feel the weather turning now and shouldn't be too long before I'm out.
An hour ago and I would have agreed with you. But for the past 30 mins it has been belting down with snow. Big fat flakes. And it's laying.
went to the pub for one after the ace... Fucken freezing... Not a bike day. I thought as it was sunny I didn't need too much clobber... Anyhu home to watch the rugby.. Not a bad game at all and a good result.
If it sticks for a couple of days I'll get my old board out and hit the slopes of Wessenden reservoir with the company portable ski lift
Went shopping on me own and nipped into Aldi and Lidl and treated myself to some stuff. Ducati coloured plier set, rechargeable lamp, screwdriver set, chain cleaner, chain lube, hanging brackets. Just to show I thought of her indoors to, I bought her a mini frying pan. Now she's just come back from looking at show house's and I'd mentioned the digi multimeter, she went and bought it for me.