Cars and bikes are stupid money these days.. In 2009 I bought a brand new Monster 1100S with Termi’s for £7500 today a 1200S with Termi’s will cost £16k. You can argue about them being different bikes, electronics etc but they were and are still top of the range Monsters only now they’re twice the price in 8 years.
Yeah - as much as id love the latest and greatest (current lifestyle allowing) i think......13k is the max id shell out for a bike...having said that id love a 2017rsv4....but, even if the availability was there for me to actually own it (in that the wife agreed) i still dont know whether i would...
Having never done a pcp, I can't comment as to whether it's better than buying or not, but I've always liked the idea of simply buying it and then it's done and dusted, and so no more worries of monthly payments or final payments etc etc, but I do think it's a bubble that'll burst eventually. With regard to current bike prices, I do agree that it's fecking ridiculous. Ducati putting up prices hugely last year saying it was brexit bla de bla de bla. Yeah ?? so they're going to drop prices now the pound is recovering eh?? Bet they don't..... Over 21k pounds for a Multi PP with some panniers?!?!
Unless in to supercar territory, there is nothing that interests me. Maybe 50k miles a year and sharing the roads with 'average drivers' ( ) kinda spoils things. Prices are insane though both new and used. Would love a classic, maybe 3.0csl coupe from early seventies... but 40k ish for a minter!! Even 325 sport coupe are 20k for a good one. Crazzzyyy. The tech that is going in to modern cars is also making them obsolete quicker, if that makes sense? As the goal posts constantly move for what is regarded as green and what is not.
40k for a CSL would be good, compared to this bat mobile version which fetched.........
I know we now have traction control and 'gubins' on our cars/bikes, but the price difference? My best deal, a brand new Fz1s in 2008. £6200 otr. Import but same spec as a UK bike, ABS not an option. Did 20k in 2 years and sold for £4500. Compare that to £18k for a multistroodle and depreciation after leaving the dealers. Frightening.
my one picture on here,,one owner / 16000mls / full service record /with lots and lots of extras,you have to look around
That true in my town most folks are driving below 30mph in a 30 zone, driving around in 3rd gear, almost 1st gear at times on the bike if cant get passed...
I’m a big V8 fan and have spent a small fortune on new Jags in recent years. With hindsight they weren’t ideal. I’ve had a really old Mitsubishi Outlander since mid 2015 that I bought for £800 as a stop-gap but I’ve still got it. It refuses to die, lives in Budapest with me and tows the race bikes around Hungary’s awful roads. Because it’s a soft-roader it’s well suited to these roads and it’s super comfortable. I looked k at new cars and shudder at the prices now. My next car when this eventually dies will be a used thing because I don’t want to return to hyper depreciation like with the Jags.
An hour ago, I just came down a big 30mph road (you know, the kind that should be 40 anyway) and I was behind some cnut in Corsa doing 23... The other day, on the same road, was actually behind a Suzuki Jimmini Fucking Cricket doing between 10 and 18 mph !! WTF ?? You'd think old fuckers would be in more of a rush than anyone as they ain't got much time left eh
Yeah, but objectively they're not great to drive on dark wet nights... I've been into old nails for years, still have a '71 VW Van (also free tax and MOT exempt) for sunny fun. Love it, but objectively it's not easy or relaxing to drive except for about 3 or 4 sunny chilled trips a year and 20mpg is kind of onerous. You can get decent deals on newer cars though, I just sold up my 2005 997 and in doing so bought a 2017 Volvo V60 D4 with 50 miles on the clock and all the trinkets (including room for newly acquired border collie pup - obviously named Desmo ). I have to say that so far the V60 is a more pleasant car to live with day to day, it's end of life as a model and I went for the "business edition" so it's a decent spec but doesn't attract any wanted attention. The fact it's a "used" car meant that instead of almost twenty seven thousand pounds it was under £20k and I fully expect this to do 10-20k a year without grumbling for the next ten years. First two services (18k or 12 months) are free and the dealer wasn't a helmet to deal with (unlike the BMW dealer across the road who then didn't get the chance to sell me the 2015 520d touring that was the other option). It's £120 a year to tax, does 50+ mpg and under £320 a year fully comp for me plus SWMBO. I know that it's not the sexiest option but TBH it's perfect for where we are in life. I'm all in on new and easy cars! (never thought I'd say that)
I think that's got something to do speeding and the fines now-a days do 31mph n you get a fine... am sure this is around the country, there roads around my neck of the woods where the road speeds have been lower, 60's down to a 50 or 40, some folks stick to them some folks still drive at the speeds that it use to be... There a road I live near its on the top 10 worst uk roads for accidents n death, it has been lower from a 60 to 50, I don't see how bad the road is, if you came you might think the same, it good road for a bike or car... they have the camera van on it sometime... do I stick to the speed limit...n...only if I see a camera van...
And in a 30 zone the problem is?... In a 30 zone, anything 20+ is fine with me up to the limit. There are kids, cats, dogs and people around and it's miserable when there are dicks steaming through at the speed limit they think they are entitled to. Once you're on the open road then go for it, ride to the extent of your talent but in a 30 zone, put yourself in the shoes of the people who just think you're a giant bell-end, creep through and don't give anyone another reason for speed bumps or chicanes. TBH in 30 zones I'm OK with speed cameras too... it's a quality of life thing. Perhaps if you're in such a hurry the old fuckers will outlive you? Cool your boots dude.
Your Volvo V60 would have come through my terminal at my work at some point, we import them from Sweden,