A Newbie Newcomer:please Rate The Absurdity Of My Idea

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by drosei, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Hello,
    I am a newcomer to the UK from Greece just about to move.
    Just got a job offer and I am thinking of getting a place in kingston upon thames or thereabouts.
    I would like to ride my 2014 hyperstrada to the UK keep it with Greek License plates for 6 months and use it JUST for weekend excursions.
    I am just terrified with the London Moped crime and I really havent figured out what people do with their ducatis in the UK where secure garages do not seem so common.
    If someone from the UK was coming to athens for work and wanted to bring their Ducati with them I'd say no problem. You'll be able to get a secure garage with 80Eur/month max within 200m from where you live and you'd be 99.99% secure.
    And if ANYONE dared use an angle grinder in broad daylight and was spotted by the cops they'd have the police chasing them with cops on Aprilia Dorsoduros because the police would consider such behaviour an insult and a provocation. They'd get them and they'd probably spend 2 years in prison BEFORE they went to trial. Such are the benefits of a police force known for its brutality.

    So what gives? Does it even make sense owning a motorcycle if you dont own a house with a detached garage?

    #1 drosei, Feb 15, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
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  2. The Misstress
    PA250111 (1).jpg
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  3. Don't envy you on that one

    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Welcome to the forum though :cool:
  5. Thanks for the welcome!

    So I guess I should get a dog then...or three.
    Desmo service does not seem so expensive compared to all these things...:)
  6. why not skip London and see if you can get to a civilised part of the UK?

    Welcome on board, btw.

    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. :thinkingface::rolleyes:
  8. Hi Pete,

    My work is at TW16.... how far is it to civilisation would you reckon?
    #8 drosei, Feb 15, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  9. at least 50km. TW would be WSW of Londinium, so keep heading west would be my thoughts.

    good luck with the new job and finding decent accommodation.

  10. :sob::weary_face::tired_face::confounded:

    I guess the only ducati coming with me is my son's toy 996o_O
  11. I'd agree that living outside the M25 will give you a better chance of finding accommodation with secure parking for the bike. From your work location I'd consider South instead of West, Guildford is nice for example, with good transport links. Consider though that anywhere with a train station along the main lines into London is more expensive.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. I am now beggining to understand the sense of camaraderie between UK bikers. It really takes commitment to be one..
  13. Welcome into the mad house

    I can’t help with accommodation I’m 3 hours away from London

    Red is the best colour so maybe a yellow one would put would be robbers off :)

    Hopefully someone more helpful will be along shortly
  14. Welcome Dave. Civilisation begins north of Sheffield :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I’m civilised :thinkingface:
  16. I know better ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. :kissing_heart:
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