Not that type of router, one like this. WiFi at home is rubbish, this was on my watch list, so it's now on its way to me, there's a five year old next door that should be able to connect it for me. Steve
So the Daily Mash goes and ruins yet another delusion..... Man discovers toilet roll fairy is not real 16-02-18 A MAN who assumed a magical fairy had been changing the toilet roll was stunned to discover she does not exist. Martin Bishop, from Stevenage, found out the truth after spotting his wife of 15 years putting a fresh quilted Andrex on the holder. He said: “I told her to leave it for the toilet roll fairy and she totally lost it and yelled, ‘I AM THE FUCKING FAIRY’. “Apparently, she’s been changing the loo roll for our entire marriage. The world feels a little less special today. “It’s not like I don’t do my bit. I once took a roll out of the bag and placed it on top of the cistern. For the fairy.” He added: “I’m starting to wonder if the Bin Elf is real.”
My purchase today was a buy it now of £30 or best offer, liking a bit of a deal I offered £28 which was refused, I then offered £29 which was again refused, I finished up paying the buy it now price, why bother offering or nearest offer when your not prepared to accept a reasonable offer. Just wasting time and makes me cheased off. Steve
I sympathise mate, I had a similar bid on a heater so offered twice and he replied that he wanted the full asking price so I asked the same question as you did and he said he didn't realise thats how it worked even though he had a high feedback$$er
My wife asked me today how she compared with my past girlfriends ? So I told her she was the only one I had been with. All the others were at least eights or nines.
Had day off (need to use up leave before end of March), went for bike ride, did 18KM when pedal crank fell off! Bit weird as I have owned the bike for approx 10 years and never had any problems with the pedals (perhaps I should have looked at them occasionally?). Tomorrow's job is thread locking both cranks back on.... Picture with both pedals connected
Been to Essex couldn't believe the weather loads of bikes out, went to Honda at bury st Edmunds to look at my crf 125 I'm getting for off road
I got Ducati leathers If I hadn't had a bleed in my brain I would definitely still have my beloved Ducati just made some bad decisions.
Suzuki are cool ....a lot for your money in Suzuki land....I miss Ducati seriously I mean seriously but my crf will get me back on one I hope, I don't want an ornament I want to use one, my rvf is a bloody ornament I intended a trackday but now been spooked due to value/rarity? Got a spare bodykit though
This week was both my mothers and mother in laws 90th birthdays. Both were born on the 13 February 1928. My mums name is Nina, and my m-i-l's name is Nene. I visited my mum last Saturday for her birthday, and tomorrow I'm visiting the m-i-l for hers.
Rushed home from work as the sun was out and the roads dry, 1st time in weeks. Managed to get out for an hour on the bike. Not been out for ages, wow was I rusty, but loved it.