British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Look up the word "oxymoron" in a dictionary and you will see "social science" right near the top of the list of examples.
  2. If you type into google, "experts, real ones supporting fins claims", google gives you no results. Weird

  3. OK, it's not big, it's not clever and it's not funny *cough*
  4. Funnily enough, yesterday saw the start of a number of meetings by the 27 and the eu comission. One of the subjects that seems to be causing the greatest issue for them is their budget once we leave.

    The eu have done us a favour in a wayby saying no matter what capacity you are in, by jan 1st 2021 we are out of the eu. This is because the eu budget works in 7 year cycles and the current one ends on dec 31st 2020. They have finally been honest and agreed Britain's yearly contribution that stays with them is 13 billion euros, around £11.44 billion pounds.

    Around a third of the eu puts in more than it takes out and around two thirds take out more than they put in and suddenly they have to find an extra 13 billion a year. Add to that the visegrad group are still fighting with the eu over freedoms, the situation with Catalonia in Spain, France now insisting on immigration control despit being in Shengen, Austria having a largely non europhile government, Italy going to the polls on the 4th of March and Germany still without a government and you can see why non of the smaller countries want to pay anything more or lose anything they already have.

    I've seen comments around Germany offering to largely plug the majority of the gap as long as the other countries sign up to a non desent pact and do as you are told arrangement.
    #11604 noobie, Feb 24, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  5. nice spin, 10 out of 10 for effort and consistency.
    i recon they, the EU, see it more like this
    • Like Like x 1
    • WTF WTF x 1
  6. £11.44 isn't that much to contribute to the EU yearly. :thinkingface: I'm still out though, I could get a Chinese and a pint for that. :yum
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Bit strong there, finm.

    Are the EU leaders misguided? Sure, clearly they are but tripping balls on hallucinogenic drugs and seeing imaginary characters?

    Harsh dude, harsh.
  8. i guess none of us can really be sure what the EU as whole, leaders and all, think. i can only tell you what i think, and most of those around me, some have strong business links in banking and internet security, some have family living and working in teaching, some just go for the sand. who knows tbh. i will err on the opposite side to tax evading media moguls.
    this is another of those images that strike a chord with me.
  9. and another
  10. Gove has the unfortunate distinction of resembling a former father-in-law of mine. I hate it when you folk post pictures of Gove but I have refrained from Reporting such posts. Thus far.

    As for finm's implication that you can "err on the side opposite to tax evading media moguls", I am afraid that this is impossible. You are either entirely against them - like me - or you are in some fashion supporting them ... even if your support consists simply of posting links to their lies and misrepresentations.

    I expected better of finm, I have to say. I thought he was a proper SJW : o )
  11. how is it impossible? when the old adage " a broken clock is right twice a day" comes to play, there is no suport from me, i am assuming you mean me?. i rarely if ever offer click bait. that is how you support tax evading media moguls. chatting about their headiness, interpretation of the facts and opinion pieces is not supporting them.
  12. Cool. You support media moguls on rare occasions and promulgate their messages. Sorted.
  13. Holyrude? :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. you know, "impossible" is one of the most commonly used words by the brexiteer on here and other threads. hmm, how you gonna make Britain (why do we call it Britain) great again when everything is impossible?
    strange interpretation. anyhoo, even if true, i guess its hard not to when about 5 of em own about 90% of the media, which has resulted in 83% of it in the uk being pro brexit.
    ye canny win. even if you switch aff. because that is called sleepwalking.
  15. going by the confrontational seating, two swords length, and archaic imagery hmm 18th century? its got to be ether the HOC or HOL.
  16. A clarification, finm, if you don't mind - Do what?

    I was interpreting your behaviours - not the post you had just made.

    Or, you could, you know, put some work in. Pro tip: blogs alone are not putting some work in.
  17. Or HoF?

    Those guys from House of Fraser don't take prisoners. Retail legends, so they are.
  18. what do you suggest i do that i don't do already? apart from "go do one" :D
    on yer first point, there is a wee theme going on in many of the other "speakers corner" threads on topics that discus innovative and revolutionary tech, anything that involves a lil bit of future proofing and out the box thinking. in here as in out there, everything is impossible, bar finding an economic up side to brexit right enough.
    as in so much of British history and manufacturing, resting on our laurels and tradition seems to be part of the "British"psyche.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. yip, good Scottish name that, but probably not changed much since they opened in the 19th century. i dont thinki have been in one since i was a kid, a v.are you being served type of place from what i mind.
  20. No spin fin. This is how you do it, links fella links

    Eu's own documents on the meeting itself, conclusion on page 34

    Reuters budget article dated yesterday, day of the meeting

    Guardian article yesterday on german and italian elections and the consequences

    And that my old fruit is how it works......leaves the room dropping the mike whilst saying... BOOM :D
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