So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Same here bought one new in 68 after passing test on a Honda C50 I have a tc200 in the garage high pipe already the one being renovated will be a STD Stingray
  2. Getting ready for the meeting of the clans at my mothers 80th birthday party.
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  3. yesterday evening watch Ronnie go bonkers with those balls then a bit of womens & mens rugby,a lttle bit on Mark Bolan then to cap the evening of The Old Grey Whistle Test the original and best music show by far:upyeah:
  4. I stayed up half the night to watch the Mens snowboard Big Air competition and saw my friend Billy Morgan win a bronze medal :)

    Chuffed to bits for him :)
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  5. I've just switched the radio off, bloomin Graham Norton with his stupid laugh.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Had to detour on way to gym as end of road closed by police. Apparently fatal stabbing of 18yr old about 400yrds from my house.

    Scary so close to home. Is (was) a pretty good neighbourhood too.

    Very sad for all concerned.
  7. That's shit dude :(
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Awful :(
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Daughter is 17, he was in year above at school.
  10. Camellia`s for the girls,,,yes i know i`m a tart:) DSCN4376[1].JPG
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Sky Breaking News :-

    "Britain will soon ban plastic straws"..


    Americans are holding onto their automatic weapons, AR-15s, and ammo, whilst we the British have to give up our pea-shooters.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Good news for all Daves, according to the Daily Mash

    You are never more than six feet away from a Dave


    YOU are never more than six feet away from a bloke called Dave, researchers have discovered.

    The Institute for Studies found that that every single person in the UK knows at least seven Daves at any given time and the Daves are now spread evenly across the entire country.

    Professor Henry Brubaker said: “Traditionally, Daves were largely confined to pubs, snooker halls or at the ‘footy’ with the ‘Garys’ and ‘Ians’, but in recent years they have taken over offices and the gym.

    “There’s probably at least one Dave under your desk at work. Meanwhile, always remember to check your shed and the boot of your car for Daves.

    “There may even be a medium-sized Dave in your attic.”

    He added: “We think Britain is now approaching peak-Dave as we have yet to find a Dave under the age of 10.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Been to a mates who built a bar in his garden for a grand opening n he had a band in the lounge. Great band called Buck and Evans. Check them out on FB.

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  14. I have shit loads of their industrial stuff all over my house, garden (remote in sealed electrical boxes on gates) and garages - it's top notch :):upyeah: every single opening anywhere is covered at least once and sometimes twice, 3 if you count weapons :innocent:
  15. :D miscellaneous-caution-signs-safes-falling_safes-fallen_safes-pknn799_low.jpg
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Yip - already have a premiere panel in the house but its about 10 years old now or so. The new panel can be driven by the wireless app....we dont use the alarm as much as we should (everyone is afraid of setting it off and not being able to turn it off). But the new system has the app and the prox tags...the other reason is the cats can trigger it (if the 3 of them kick off in the middle of the night the combined mass of fighting fur has set it off). The other thing as weve got 3 kids (one in 6th form) so people are in and out of the house during the day, all day, which is good security in itself. As the garage will now be a separate zone that only i really go into ill be using that part all the time....ip camera has just been ordered....just so i can keep an eye on the garage (and the front door).
  17. Yip, I have 3 zones - garages and main gate to the back are always armed on one zone unless I'm in there, then a night arm leaves my bedroom to bathroom route unarmed :)
  18. 5 members in our family and the lodger in the basement who works odd hours (this is why we cant really set anything in the house). The garage while having a back door is totally inaccessible, from a bike knicking point of view (for a muiltitude of reasons) so im only really worried about the main front door.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  19. 87A4269A-73D4-4D56-8ECC-0C050381B5A0.jpeg Lovely day yesterday, met new granddaughter, she was sooooo tiny. Grandson tired me out. Sober Sunday morning, get bike out for a few mile, leathers fit and bike started.
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