A nice sunny day here today, got me thinking it will soon be time to get back out there. Even though it is cold, I decided to give the fleet a clean after the winter lay off. Unfotunatley, the last few months haven't been kind and I should have stored them better. I've spotted, scratches, a balding tyre and even some mould today. Even after a wash, they have seen better days. Has anybody else been in the same boat? What can I do? Scroll down for pics, but be warned, they are distressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . At 1st sight, they didn't look too bad. On closer inspection though...... Scratches Baldy tyre Even mould! The only thing for it, is a scrub with finest Fairy Liquid to fully assess the damage. Better, but they will never be the same.
That yellow stuff was lichen & shows the air-quality (a good thing). Shame that you killed two fungi colonies living in coexistence with an third algae. The lichen society would frown upon this sort of behaviour.
I'm a bit underwhelmed to be honest. They're not even a matching set. The top loading access ports are different on each. Poor....very poor. Shows a lack of class and little attention to detail.
At least you are using them. Nothing worse than having them just sat there gathering dust and waiting for their value to increase. Good on you for using them as they are intended i say .
Photoshopped, so that you can't see the numberplates Noobs. I don't want them cloned and you can't be too careful. Here is a sneaky peak before I applied my dazzling skills.