Moderation On Ducati Forum - Feedback

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Feb 25, 2018.

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  1. There's dukee on the compoota
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. *headline*
    forum troll blames social media for stirring hate and division uses social media to punt lies and create division.
    another example of inconsistent moderation.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Have you been looking at "Wings" again fin?
  4. Would it work on my phone ?
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  5. the thread isnt about wings noob, it appears to be about an increase in complaints to the forum owner. mostly regarding going of topic, and quite often in a trolling styli. being guilty as sin in the past for going of topic i dont really get it but hayho.
    loz, in a bout of uncharacteristic pragmatism :eyes:created the "off topic thread" to give us witty chatty types :innocent: somewhere to go to get off topic humor of our chests. there is however, no place for your style of, obvious to me, trolling, singling people out and following them around and nipping their heads at every opportunity is in fact, trolling. in the real world it can only ever escalate, why should it be any different on a forum?
    i disagree with boots re the lounge area, its not the topics, it the troll.
    if it where down to me you would be long gone.
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  6. I don't post much, but above is exactly the problem.

    Nearly every single thread contaminated with pointless off topic comments, pictures and emoji's by several frequent posting members, one or two word unintelligible 'banter' and regular trolling.

    Makes reading the forum using the 'New Posts' link pretty pointless, because most of the new posts are full of crap.
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  7. I think this forum is well run and well moderated. I’ve been a member of other forums where it was chaos and fighting and it’s nearly impossible to post anything and have a decent conversation. It’s difficult finding a balance between allowing a bit of banter and even argument and letting anything through. I think you guys do well on here.
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  8. fin
    thank you for letting me stay in your forum fin:upyeah:
    #108 noobie, Feb 27, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
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  9. the pleasures all ...:thinkingface:
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  10. Actually fin your response deserves a fuller reply. Yours is indicative of some of the problems. Some people go into the discussion arenas with a lot of old tosh, made up lies, useless information and poorly thought out arguments.

    Then when others join in with facts, figures, sources and laid out correct arguments, those first people, such as your self, attempt to lay the term troll at the others doorstep, rather than be honest with themselves that their own argument was poor.

    if multiple facts and figures offends you in a thread then perhaps you need to re-evaluate if those parts of the forum are for you rather than joining in. I'm happy for others to show correct information, I'll read anyones point of view, facts and argument, some it seems are not and that in turn creates problems for the mods that could be avoided.

    perhaps if people like you fin dish it out but are unable to see when your argument is weak and some may point it out so you lash out, then perhaps two options would be, to either remove the speakers corner completely? or make it a permission only part of the forum where some can be removed if they are unable to control themselves as you do on regular occasions?

    dunno, it's a difficult one
    #110 noobie, Feb 27, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
    • Lock Thread Lock Thread x 2
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  11. That's politics for you :)
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  12. would it be possible to move some of the people to the threads elsewhere not just the threads!
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  13. stop handing out palm faces for no reason:upyeah:
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  14. Which group need to go, the sensitive or non sensitive ?? :thinkingface:
    Having taken a close view on my own posts and focusing on this thread in particular I can see why us tribal humans could easily fall out.

    If you come to the Ducati forum to sell something or want information on a particular model or technical bike issue then the banter is just white noise.
    It's probably hard to understand unless you've spent a lot of time getting to know the various character of the forum members. If you just dip in for the bits you want /need then the banter is probably quite annoying.

    There is a hard core of forum members 15-20 that spend perhaps an unhealthy amount time here (me included) and we tend chit chat across all the threads.
    This has quite rightly been complained about ad nauseam. I'm trying to mend my ways.

    Perhaps BANTER, baiting and off topic responses to the OP's title could be hidden (or better still moved) with a new Emoji. The collective forum members could then self moderate.
    Perhaps a lightening symbol would mean noise (chatter not relevant to the OP's original post).
    If a post receives five (5) Lightning emoji's then the post is AUTOMATICALLY moved to a banter forum or thread and the noise generating forum member would receive an alert to say that five or more forum members wanted it moved from that particular thread as it was not relevant to the thread title. Further use of that Lightning emoji would be anonymous, except to the forum bosses. This would help prevent fighting and revenge hits (this happens every day on here **CHIZ** ).
    The NUKE could remain for more offensive material which would still hide the post and attract the attention of Tel.

    Extract of Ducati Forum rules
    Remain on Topic
    Threads should remain on the topic that they are discussing, they should not be discussing other topics. A new thread should be made for a new discussion.
    A spam post is a post that provides no value to the discussion, or a thread that creates nuisance for others. Threads are considered spam when they are duplicates, or devoid of valuable content. The Lounge section has a more relaxed spam policy and will be considered a friendly place for banter and chat.

    I think this approach would help self moderate the forum, without upsetting the poster too much, as his or her post is merely moved instead of deleted. It would reduce the aforementioned heavy moderator workload.
    Gradually we all would learn to post in the right place.

    Comments please.
    #115 AirCon, Feb 27, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2018
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  16. The problem with automatically moving posts is that groups can band together to censor people if they don’t like what they’re saying. I agree that there are a few people who post so much in everything that it can get annoying. But it’s only annoying rather than offensive or a problem in any other way.
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  17. Agreed it's a risk, but if the moderators saw that pattern they could have a word....
    And do you really think you could get five of us to agree on anything?
    Am I right in interpreting your words that you'd rather trust one very busy person, who also posts in the top 15 (may be even generates banter?), rather than five random forum members?

    I didn't invent this idea.... it's mostly stolen (very loosely based) from on parts of our legal system.
    Don't forget the place the banter is moved to would probably be the liveliest thread, for those that wanted to dwell there.
    At present all have to read through it.... even my missives :innocent:. Unless you have me on ignore :joy:...

    I've returned to this post and yes if I post something it is possible to get five random people to agree, :rolleyes:
    #117 AirCon, Feb 27, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2018
  18. Perhaps in your wish to appear to a person on independence you bypassed the post that led to the reply? If someone is going to keep calling you a troll and would wish you banned from a forum, I don't feel it is unreasonable to at least be able to reply to it, don't you?

    Funnily enough the clique comment from camel is highlighted here, fin calls people trolls and should be banned, I reply to his thread being the person accused, you then leave your above comment along with nukes and lock thread smileys which is plain to see above
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  19. generally, moderation on here is pretty gentle, but seems (from my perspective) to be +/- reasonable. the biggest challenge (my management speak word of the week) is the finite time resources that our mod(s) has/have. unfortunately, if they were to have a quiet word in somebody's PM box in the hope that self-moderation would happen every time members start going off-piste, offensive, etc then much would be missed.

    Until there is a team of mods, say four or five, then the imperfect (but pretty decent) forum we have right now is as good as it gets (mod-wise).

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  20. I know you think you are being reasonable Con but lets look at the facts

    It was a moderation thread asking for comments.

    Fin said I was a troll and I should be banned, you agreed with you him and even left nukes, as you continue to do when I disagree with that comment

    Nowhere in this thread have I accused a member of being a troll, demanded a member should be banned or leave nukes/thread locks

    and yet you have convinced yourself I am being the offensive and unreasonable one, whilst you are lightness in carnate. It rather highlights the difficulty the mods have with some individual members behaviour
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 3
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