It's been puking with snow since about 5am this morning. I'm still working from home and coughing and spluttering. One of my neighbours is moving to Gosforth today. The removal men aren't too happy
Just managed a treacherous journey home from work 12 miles of ice , not a bit of tarmac in sight. Had to walk the last half mile, too steep and not a gritter in site. Steve
They say don't travel to work if not necessary - they didn't say anything about travelling to work if retired though, Mmmm
Flight left Gatwick on time, 2 hour flight followed by a 70 minute drive and we are here in sunny Cartagena. Spent the last 3 hours over tapas and ice cold beer for lunch . Going for a walk now just in case the bed beckons for a snooze. Andy
This morning I was up at half 5, about 4 inches of snow settled over night. Half an hour after being up, the snow started coming down again so got the car warmed up and took the little man to do his paper round. Got back home and shortly after we got told all 3 of the schools our brood go to were closed for the day... Got the ankle biters to get changed whilst I got their sledges and snow shovel out and off they went to the playing field whilst I eagerly awaited 17 tonnes of gravel arriving and getting dumped on the drive. The snow got a bit quicker and 2 hours after it should have arrived we got a call from the aggregates place to say they couldn't get to us and we'll have to rearrange when the snow start clearing... Since then I played in the snow with the kids and dogs, watched the WSB highlights and crap daytime TV... Edit to add: I also sorted out Mrs M's monster insurance this morning, £200 reduction from last years premium and £80 cheaper than the renewal quote meant 10 minutes well spent in my eyes
Not a snow flake any where, been out on bike for an hour, suns out, roads dry and a dizzy 4 degrees, but hey, looking at the above, could be worse.
Iv just spent the last hour gritting the hill up to my house after getting back from work, idle bu##ers watching from the living room windows, it worked, I managed to get the van home. Steve
Just out of interest, before you bought this Championship winning race bike, did you look at the races/practices of that season to see if the rider had any particularly large crashes?