I know it cold at the mo and we are all hiding, but does anyone have a solution to the hot seat syndrome on a 999? Come the spring and summer I would like to avoid toasted nuts everytime I stop at traffic lights.
Exhaust wrap? Might help if you like the look. FYI Just unwrapped my exhaust and it was in a bad way underneath, wire wheel bad... Is your heat shield in good condition?
Pretty sure Ducati did a press release after the launch of the 999 and said the sumo trick was the only option: https://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/73/can-sumos-retract-their-testicles-inside-their-bodies/
Ive got raging toothache and am heavily medicated at the moment (beer and asprin) so I might be talking complete bollox BUT I was thinking of taking the high temp fan (right I think) and wireing it direct through a switch on the bar so when it looks like Im going to be slow or stopped for a while I can flick it on and lose some heat. Sound feasible ???
You can get the pipes coated in stuff that stops them getting so hot. Cerateck or something similar. Get googling.
Am one of the minority that isnt hiding, out on my on last Sunday... I think your looking Zircotec am sure (cant find his name atm...gumboz's) he got a Multi Enduro thats got this stuff coated...
with the 848 its not really the heat i find that's the issue, is the rock solid factory suspension set up.