1200 S Collection Video Of My New 1200s

Discussion in 'Monster' started by GMAN, Mar 5, 2018.

  1. hi guys here’s s link to my new bike collection video

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  2. Gm,,bike looks sexy and some nice add on's,,have fun:):upyeah:video's a wee bit long i stayed with it for sometime as well!
  3. Looks and sounds stunning.
  4. Now I’m no road safety campaigner, but there was some truly shite riding in the few snapshots I looked at.
    The overtakes on the zig zags leading to a pedestrian crossing, riding along with one hand off the bars needlessly gesticulating like a 17 yr old bimbo, the incessant yapping from start to finish, the riding into the pushbike box at the head of the lights and riding through a 40 zone with an indicated 55 on the clock while still waffling away

    You’d make a great advanced rider

    Cry his fkn eyes out with despair!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Just watched it myself earlier on and couldn’t agree more with the poor riding standards and then putting it on YouTube, i’m no saint by any means but I do have some standards in lower speed limits and crossings.
  6. It's not illegal to overtake on zig zag lines with the exception of the first vehicle (which he did) but not a problem for any cars behind the lead car.
  7. A jolly good clarification for which we thank you, did you spot the overtake of the lead car while a pedestrian was crossing the road, the laundry bill as he hove into view while waving his arm round and talking us through his other misdemeanours must have been excruciating

    Stay the fuck away if you see him coming:eek::eek:
  8. Yes I totally agree, this bloke is a danger to himself and everyone around him. He needs banning and may I suggest a few months in pokey with a copy of the the Highway Code.
  9. Don't you think you're being a bit harsh guys. I agree its no IAM ride but he's excited and he is riding a new bike home for the first time in near zero degree temps. We all know the cold weather can affect your riding. If cars are stopped at red lights and you go past them to get to the front I see that as filtering not overtaking. As for moving into the cycle zone at the lights according to the british highway code he is on a cycle (check your log book) mine says bicycle. Motorcycles can legally use cycle lanes so why not cycle boxes. He was speeding at times but who hasn't been guilty of that at some time. Anybody that buys a big bike and says they never speed is lying.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  10. Like none of the naysayers have ever ridden in a similar fashion!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Many thanks for the first class and incisive legal and psychological analysis, you’ve got the gig as site legal counsel from now, and your post should be a sticky, perfect defence for any motoring offence

    Just a couple of points:take a look at the Highway Code, you’ll find you are wrong. Also the nobber was on camera.
    I believe you legal types call it self incrimination
  12. Many thanks for the first class and incisive legal and psychological analysis, you’ve got the gig as site legal counsel from now, and your post should be a sticky, perfect defence for any motoring offence

    Just a couple of points:take a look at the Highway Code, you’ll find you are wrong. Also the nobber was on camera.
    I believe you legal types call it self incrimination
  13. Again,,,,,,,,,,,love the bike- thats what matters:upyeah:
    #13 XH558, Mar 7, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  14. I think it’s important that anyone who has a bike makes a video about every aspect of it and then makes a thread about each video. I’m looking forward to the video titled ‘Monster’s first fill up’ and then ‘Monster’s first bath’
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I love a vid, not sure the posting chap expected some the thread comments though :neutral:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. If you mean the pelican crossing where the lights were on red, while maybe not textbook riding he stopped for the red light in the generous space ahead of the lead car and didn't overtake on the actual crossing.
    I've been on plenty of IAM rides where there were many more examples where the 'boundaries' of the highway code were stretched.

  17. Was just trying to say we all make mistakes for whatever the reason not saying it's a defence for any motoring offence.
    Il pass on your offer of the post for site legal counsel. I didn't say I was a legal professional, I was just giving my opinion on some points.

    Gman probably joined this forum as did I to interact with other like minded Ducati owners in order to both receive and give info helpful to the Ducati community.
    I doubt he thought his video would be scrutinised and his riding examined to that extent. Chances are he now won't bother posting here any more.

    Still at least we have people like you on board who have obviously never made an error and always ride within the constraints of the law to put the rest of us right when we stray.
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  18. He's a biker who rides a Ducati monster and doesn't give a flying fuck for pedantic pussys
    Go you lovely red blooded anarchist you, we salute you sir.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Try this one, I can imagine the screams of outrage from some of the usual dripping quims on here when this twat hurtles towards you in his car with both hands off the wheel, one eye on the road and hard on the gas while making one of “hi guys, look at me me me” video reports!
    He’d be the biggest Cnut under the sun, no?

  20. Yeah but that's not what this bloke did, we can all make up what ifs etc.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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