Hello, first post in here,i want to know, does anybody uses 6th gear at all..it looks like dead gear to me...only purpose could be cruising in a really big straight but yet again 6th with 120-140 km/h prolly will be heavy on response, the point is there is nothing 6th can do that 5th can't in my opinion. One more thing, one tank does me about 180-200km until fuel light comes on, i guess its good but whats your numbers ?
Hello. And assuming it’s non DVT, top is an overdrive really. On my TS 2013 I would get to about 140-160 miles until the light on. DVT is closer 140.
Yeah, its a 2014 model, i get 200km but with town riding, at an open road i can see 250km(160 miles) until light on i guess.