Case savers can anyone identify

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by duc904red, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Hi l have taken up the supply and manufacture ofDarren's case savers
    Having some issues identifying some of them can any past customers help
    See pic left to right
    Not sure -multi ?
    2 don't know
    3 don't know
    4 600/750 mon SS
    5 large case until end of desmoquattro series
    Thanks Steve

    2013-01-17 09.55.01.jpg
  2. I will whip off the one on my 1997 900SS tonight, if the garage door is not frozzed up ! ( hope not - the beer is in there too!)
  3. mines not fitted so I to will take a photo for you
  4. The one on the left 'might' be a sportclassic, or at least to fit a similar DS1000 motor.
  5. Thanks guys
    l was thinking d/s motor l know daz did some for multi's and the late stuff
    but cant get ll the info-long story
    regards Steve
  6. Steve.
    I think one of the cut out type maybe fits the 900ie motors and the other 620 and 800 ie motors.
  7. If you find one like this, it is for a 750SS........It is an alternative to the one you already have.......Daz and me were discussing the matter of using the sprocket cover bolts instead of the main crankcase bolts, so I came up with this idea......He said he had made one for me to try, but.........Well, you know.......poor bloke.


    PS....for identification of the others, his posts 'For Sale' are still there if it is any help.

    PPS....The pic is of Darren's case and a 750 saver, which I have Photoshopped.
    #7 Ghost Rider, Jan 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2013
  8. Thanks Al
    not got one of those
    was it you that tested one (chain breakage) and sent it back
    is the one you picture better than the standard one
    regards Steve
  9. Hi Steve......I gave him the basic hole dimensions for the 750 one (before he used the case as a pattern)........He sent me one of the first that he made for the 750 and although it fitted fine, I didn't test run it as I actually didn't like the idea of it being fixed by the casing bolts, so I reverted to my original thoughts of using the sprocket cover bolts and Photoshopped it so he could see what I was talking about....

    There was a discussion as to how to form the slotted lugs and I reckoned he would have to bend the lugs first and then cut the slots.......I thought he said he had one already done......I was also looking at how to stop the sprocket cover from sticking out a bit because of the saver behind it (happens with all of them, I think)


    PS....I also did one or two other things in stainless that Darren was thinking of turning out.....if you want the details.
    #9 Ghost Rider, Jan 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2013
  10. Will get a pic of mine on and off the 998s with rule and grid to help with dimensions, sometime over the weekend.
  11. I have one for my Hyper 1100s if you need a pic of one?
  12. Thanks for all the info guys
    All will be useful
    Pics etc
    Darren was talking about making the fairing joining pieces for SS's Al?

    Sorted on the 748 -996 900 ss monster bits
    And the first 600_750 stuff
    It's the more recent stuff that's unclear
    Thanks Steve
  13. 1_1100 evo
    2_600__750SS Mon
    4 an ealy version 600_750?
    5 900ss mon etc
    are there anymore out there?
  14. Hi Steve, I had pmm'd Darren about one for my ST3, I have no idea if he had made one or if you have a pattern, but I still need one before the spring. If you need a pic of the sprocket area let me know and I'll get one when I can get out to the shed! Chris
  15. Chris l am not sure what crankcases are use on the ST3 l think it is either the desmoquattro or the ds series
    will look into it
  16. That's one of the items Steve.........I have already made one in stainless and I emailed him the dimensions.....he was going to get into his loft to retrieve his full fairing to check the fit (my fairing holes were a bit worn)......I take it you now have the fairing?

    There is also a secondary idea to this, but as yet I haven't made it (can't get round to it).

    Plus there are several other smaller items I made which he was interested in knocking up to possibly fit several models.

    You should still have my email address somewhere if you want the info.......if not, PM me.

  17. Hi, I am pretty sure the one I have looks like No 3 which is fitted to my S4R 996. Let me know if you would like me to remove it to confirm.
  18. cool mate thats one of the elusive ones
    thanks Steve
  19. As I said let me know if you need me to remove mine to confirm
  20. This is where we are at

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