Yellow dress on Ebay

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by XxAnthxX, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Wow .... Just think what the pink one will go for!!!!!
    I like that the pixelation matches the dress class!
  2. Lmao
  3. True enough, but I'm glad I persevered, otherwise I would not have seen post #15!!!
  4. The scary thing is 1. He actually has managed to pull it off well and not looked like one of those Les Dawson characters .

    Scary thing 2. Being a teenager of the 80s I do like dark haired men in lipstick ;)
    But they didn't wear women's clothes ...
    Those were the days ;)
  5. Blimey Anth, love the kitsch lightshade, and general decor of your "lurrve den"! :biggrin:
  6. 'Post #15' has now become my the new byword for all things that are just wrong :eek:
  7. I thought you was going to say post 15 is now my new screensaver !!!!! ;)
  8. So did I :-D
  9. :eek::eek::eek:
  10. :biggrin: Hilarious!!!!
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