Mobile Speed Camera Vans And Bikes

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nigel Machin, May 29, 2016.

  1. not if they cant identify you! :Bag:
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  2. Q: What's the latest time anyone seen a mobile safety camera out at night... I think I passed one around 22:45pm> the other night, I should of turned round and gone back to double check...

    It was parked a un "black spot" area although assuming the could park anywhere they like... checked the local county mobile safety cameras schedule for that day, it wasn't there, where I think I passed it especially at that time of night... 2-3 of unknowing lingers
  3. At 10.45pm,, i think not as they can't get the staff & overtime funding:thinkingface:
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  4. Am hoping it was a "Escort" van (long/wide loads) we get many of them through my works...
  5. Recent news story, someone did this and ended up with suspended prison sentence ....
  6. Finger's and everything else keep crossed:cool:
  7. Guess he thought he was being clever at the time .....
  8. Yes it take's all sort's on this planet:upyeah:
  9. Yep - that how i got caught on my zed the only day i put a big numberplate on the back for the fucking MOT....i got caught on the "other side of the road" effectively 3 lanes away from the van...
  10. I got caught be a guy with a bike, camera and tripod.
    I think he merely noted my number down as I passed him
  11. Coming towards it, thoughts WTF is that !! Slowed a little without hammering the brakes and carried on with speed what ever I was doing at the time, thought yeah he/ she got me...

    The majority of us speed to the excessive... it only sooner or later we will get caught...
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  12. That story was put on Facebook by north yorks police too . They took it off after they got a massive backlash from people saying that the police had used every resource available to trace him ,yet just give out crime numbers to victims of burglary etc without investigating them.
    I have just watched traffic cops programme on tv . Several people caught running around in stolen 'Hanoi" burglary cars .. Not one person convicted .Even when travelling at 150mph and aiming at the police who were depolying the stingers.
    #34 steve c, Mar 23, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2018
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  13. I think if I could stop in time I would stop and cover up plate TBH. I know it's naughty but I hate those buggers.
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  14. Somewhat easier to check local CCTV for his reg, than investigate a crime with little or nothing in the way of clues to go on. Not condoning the lack of action, but 'every resource available' is pushing it a bit. The perp was an idiot for thinking he could get away with it.
  15. "extensive investigation " in the officers own words .
  16. Unfortunately now they can CH, they can operate now until 11.0pm, well in Wales they can.
    As regards number plate, your better off not having a number plate on at all, as you can't be done for perverting the course of justice but you can be done for a lesser charge of not having a plate, won't tell you how I know. Small number plate or applied black insulating tape are dodgy.
  17. Bigging up his part so other scrotes don't get the same idea
  18. and you wonder why there is a low speed limit with the amount of attention paid above...:rolleyes:
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