Shite when you work it back ain't it. I want the warmers on by 8:15 if first inters is going out at 9:20.
Garage is announced the day before i'm told. I assume that's Sunday but may mean last working day being Friday.
Inevitably, due to a planning department meeting for one of my projects that was scheduled only yesterday for the 27th, I can not now attend this event, FML! So there is now a space in the garage for anybody who needs one. MSV tell me there is a reserve list for Inters, which they had put me in so I should get a voucher for a future date, minus the usual admin fee. Get in touch with them directly if you wish to be this reservist and ping me a PM with your details please!
Unfortunately, this charming letter that arrived registered yesterday is what we in the industry all dread, an 'arrete de travail', an order to stop work under threat of action. As ignoring it will cost me well into six figures I'm figuring that motorbikes will have to wait a bit!