Calling Mr C

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Imola, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. I was wondering.....
    Is the tax disc in the same place on a monster as the SS I tried to google it but it said I'm a ditzy blonde :-/
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  2. It is a shame you get shit for asking a question or liking something that some else doesn't, it's a big man that hinds in a forum to give out bullshit

  3. Reading some of the posts on that forum I don't think they did!
  4. I thought that the entire point of the Lounge section was to spout bullshit. But I'll admit to not having read the rules.
  5. Anarchist!
  6. For the real bullshit stuff lounge we need a pub or a bar :)
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  7. True. I've stated my veiw on the "What have we learned from 2012" thread currently on P4, post 22. Everybody likes a laugh but nastiness, especially when posted by someone who knows that his or her mates will be along shortly to provide back-up, is not really necessary. It's a shame that four or five people taking over a forum like this one can spoil it.

    C'est la vie, nobody has to read it.

    Rob, I PM'd you asking you to cancel my registration a few days ago but I can still log on, can you cancel ASAP please. Thanks.
  8. No point leaving the forum because some posts wind you up! Just use it for tech stuff, both reading and posting!
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  9. OK, so some people find it entertaining to post provocative messages on controversial topics, in hopes of winding up some indignation and getting a fun debate. It's a test of your character to resist succumbing. If you don't want to play that game, just ignore it - or respond pointing out you've spotted it's a wind-up. Actually this forum is softer than most. Personally I like facts and figures more than insults ... but that's just me.

  10. Buddy, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're the same guy who fell out with ukmoc? The nicest forum in existence?
  11. I took exception to the fact that one of the members was selling a bike on EBAY and describing it as "as it left the factory" without mentioning in the ad that it was a crashed/written off/repaired Cat C. And stating that he did'nt have to mention the fact to prospective buyers, unless asked. He may have been right when he stated that "by law" he did'nt need to disclose that, but as far as I was concerned, that was wrong. And "as it left the factory" was a lie. I'm sure he's a great bloke and that he did a great job of rebuilding the bike, as all his forum mates pointed out. But how would anyone on here feel if they bought a bike and tried to insure it, only to be told it was a Cat C?

    That advert was wrong, I said so, got a load of shit from the few, left. (Although, I did get a few messages of support from some and thank you to those people,)

    However, as I said above, nobody HAS to read it and nobody's wound me up on here, I just see it happening to others and I think it's a bit disappointing. :upyeah:

  12. It all seems weird to me. If threads wind you up, you don't read them or participate in them. God knows there are enough other ways of spending your time.
    As for cancelling a registration, why bother? There is no compulsion to log on and the only communications I receive from the forum are personal emails.

    The day I find the forum annoying, I'll just stop looking at it. What's difficult about that?
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  13. Or just block posts from the person that winds you up, throwing a "hissy fit" achieves nothing apart from making you look a little childish :wink:
  14. It's not that NZD, just disappointed that a few people can take over the place and fuck people off for their own or their mates' amusement.

    It's not happened to me on here but I've noticed it's started happening to others so I'd rather not bother.

    Best of luck to Matt with the mods job.:upyeah:
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  15. Thanks man. Ive sent you a PM :smile:
  16. This site is a pussy compared to others. And lets face it, its only the internetz. :smile:
  17. But I haven't got any I just do it on my own....:wink:

  18. I really haven't noticed anyone "taking it over".

    Maybe I'm just horribly unobservant. Mind you, there are whole districts of the forum into which I never venture for fear of being hounded by tales of Multistrada non-functioning back brakes. Who can say what goes on in these badlands?
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  19. I know what you mean, and that certainly was the case at ducatisti, but I don't think it's happened here. Not yet anyway. Just use the ignore button.
  20. Hopefully we can maintain a forum that is friendly to all. That, for me, is the whole idea of these kinda places. We are drawn together by a common goal or interest and the idea is to help each other out if and when its needed and have fun along the way. Rudeness and intolerance isnt the way forward, even when taking about racers :smile:
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