Is Britain coming to a grinding halt?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Barmbyduke, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. I read today of yet more nanny state interference with proposed speed new speed restrictions on city roads down from 30mph to 20mph and rural roads, with the current 60mph coming down to 50mph or even 40mph, and even average speed cameras on rural roads, more chicanes and speed humps, do we need any more speed limits, cameras and speed humps, or maybe they should invest more on putting tarmac in the road rather than on top of it.
  2. What do you mean "proposed"? Anybody can propose anything at any time. That doesn't necessarily mean it's likely to happen. Many barking mad ideas are "proposed" by journalists trying to fill newspapers or obscure politicians trying to get in the headlines. If the government publishes a green paper proposing something, that's actually worth discussing, or worrying about.
  3. This and previous governments are stuck on the notion that speed kills, when every sensible experienced driver/rider knows that its more a case of inappropriate speed kills. For example, Prius Man A driving down the M40 at 55mph in the inside lane, is more likely to cause problems that Audi Man B doing 85mph in the outside. Both are breaking the law, but the driver going quicker will be the one that society frowns upon. Im a big fan of the National Speed limit coupled with a higher standard of training. You drive as fast as you feel its safe. Blanket lowering of the limits are not the answer, never have been and never will be.
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  4. Which law is Prius Man A breaking?
  5. The 20mph speed limit was a proposal but it's common place in many towns and cities up and down the country, the government has given councils and local authorities the green light to set speed limits as they see fit and where speed cameras can be used as a cash cow from motorists they will not only propose them they will have them in place, an A road near to where I live has recently had the speed limit cut from 60 to 50 and the local authority are proposing a 20 mph blanket speed restiction for built up areas.
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  6. Driving a toyota!
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  7. Im pretty sure that the minimum speed on a UK motorway is 60mph, well that my understanding again wrong arnt I?.......shit :frown:

  8. It was the thought that counted. If it isn't a law then it should be, although lorries are restricted to 56mph, in theory anyway :wink:
  9. A lot of good arguments are spoiled by some fool who knows what he is talking about.
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  10. Miguel de Unamuno (courtesy of Google :wink:). I hadn't heard of Miguel de Unamuno or the quote, but it is a good one.
  11. Oh yes not my own work lol
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  12. Back on topic I would say that there is a strong case for reducing speed limits in city centres and residential areas to 20 mph, but the trend to reduce what was 60 mph down to 50 mph is just yet more PC bullshit.

    I see a distinct north south divide in whether Britain is grinding to a halt. It is a different world north of Kendal :wink:
  13. :tongue: the minimum must be 50mph then. I could go back and change my post, but that would then remove the option to be mocked :wink:
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  14. I didn't think there was a minimum ? I though the test was whether you were causing an obstruction / danger ?

    Maybe a plod could help us out ?
  15. At present in the UK, there is no legislation for minimum speeds on UK motorways. Although there has been calls for years to set a minimum speed limit, the practicalities of doing so means that at present there is still no specific minimum speed. In general, road works, variable speed control and flow of traffic can all affect the minimum speed on a motorway so setting a minimum speed can be problematic. In some countries they do set a minimum speed however and it seems to work effectively. The Republic of Ireland has a minimum speed of 30 mph on motorways, but generally in the UK, minimum speeds are temporary and are usually highlighted by circular road signs.
    In some cases, there have been individuals who have received fines for driving too slow on the motorway, although these are extremely rare. Generally, to be fined for driving too slowly on the motorway, you need to be causing some kind of an issue for other drivers around you. In the case that you've outlined, where your friend is the support vehicle for you, it's unlikely that you would be fined for driving at around 50mph

    If you do need to drive on the motorway at a speed which is deemed to be a hazard to others, try and find alternative routes if possible. If you must take a motorway, stay to the inside lane and let others pass without issue. If you should be pulled over by the police, remain calm and explain to them that you are on the motorway out of necessity and your friend is integral to your successful journey. You shouldn't have any problem if you're going around 50 mph anyway as there legally are no minimum speeds on motorways in the UK unless signed otherwise.
    If you're at all concerned about getting a fine, speak to the Department of Transport and ask for their advice or alternatively speak to your local police station and explain the situation to them. They will be able to provide you with advice on your personal set of circumstances, but overall, don't feel too concerned about being fined. You're not breaking the law by doing 50 mph on the motorway.
  16. Or 30mph, come to that.....

    ...but Plod will probably stop you because you are rather unusual and they will want to know why you aren't belting along like the rest of the vehicles.....

  17. The Dartford Tunnel has a minimum speed limit of 10 mph. One of the few examples.
  18. Local councils, certainly until recently, have carte blanche to alter speed limits as they see fit, so you'll not see any green papers appearing soon regarding speed limit lowering. Having said that I seem to remember reading recently that this localised power is set to be taken away from the councils because some have gone too far. I'm not set against 20mph limits in town centres, but the moral firebrands that run the local councils always go too far, so the 20 limit would start 3 miles out of town...

    There's only one reason to lower speed limits. You know it, I know it and the councils know it. Speeding is money, simple as that, and lowering speed limits means more money.
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  19. and they put up signs to say so............
  20. Has it?............................Faaaaark!

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