Have the opportunity to purchase a 2002 748 with 15,000 miles for a decent price. My main concern is the fact that the forks have leaking seals and the fairings show a bit of rash from what appears to be a low speed drop. is it possible that the forks have sustained damage and that is the reason for the leaking seals. Glad to be aboard and I'm sure more questions will follow. Thanks
Good idea John, if the chrome on the forks looks immaculate with no scuffing or matting and the dust seals show no trauma then, particularly if it’s stood a while you might find you get away with it if it’s just a small weep by cleaning. If you are brave and confident, you can carefully tease the dust seal up along the fork leg, ( don’t use anything sharp/metal, they often come up just using your fingernails in a hot summer!) and if this is caked with black muck underneath the seal then there is an even greater chance you will stop the weep.
Welcome into the mad house Don’t forget we like pics of any bike you buy plus your garbage bin as we like bins here it’s a forum law Best bikes are in red