I'm back!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Well if any of you are going to the French Alps any time soon then you'll will have an awesome time. Conditions are brilliant. Lots of pow and the fun parks were brilliant :upyeah:

    Downside as at this moment in time is getting there or getting back because of the same weather conditions. We were delayed by 3 hours at Geneva yesterday, but eventually got home around 7pm. However some friends that were due to fly back to Bournemouth at 4pm yesterday are still at the airport and are hoping to fly back around midday today.................. but they have to go to Gatwick! If thats open!!

  2. Hope you get home safe and sound El T. Now no going into the airport WH Smith for the umpeeth time. It was exactly the same the last time you went
  3. Oh no!!!!!

    :-D hello ET
  4. Welcome back! Sounds like you had a great time and didn't break anything! Always a bonus!
  5. Oh...you've been away....I hadn't noticed ;-)
  6. Just spoken to my friends and they've only just landed back in Gatwick, some 26 hours after they were due to. Apparently their two girls (8 and 4) were stars and didn't moan once.

    They now have to get a taxi from Gatwick to Bournemouth airport to collect their car to drive back to Portsmouth. Poor sods. :frown:
  7. Ey oop gorgeous ..... Friends ??? You have no friends .......
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  8. Hi & welcome to the forum

    Someone with more snow & more friends will be along to offer advice shortly
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  9. I'm back too, small delay leaving Friedrichshafen and kept in a holding pattern outside Gatwick while the runway was swept.

    St Anton had amazing snow, so much powder :biggrin:

  10. Hello and welcome back
  11. Hi Viv :smile: x
  12. Just nipping out to the shops.

    I'll let you know when I'm back :wink:
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  13. I'm back.

    Took a while but I got held up behind a gritter. Good news was the wife had swept the driveway by the time I got back, making for a safe arrival.
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  14. welcome back, good to hear the snow is building nicely across Europe :upyeah:
  15. Do you think you may be a while?
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