Four Grand Markup On First Two Speciale In The Uk :(

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Monners, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. If you start to see white flatback dropside transits circling your house, you might just have
  2. Sorry Andy, that’s wrong. Dealer may make you pay, and then you’ll have to claim from Ducati worst case scenario, but Ducato is obliged as it’s a pan-euro warranty. In practice, this almost never happens IME (although a few years out of the warranty and breakdown game now). Sure, it will be more difficult, but that’s one of the features of being in the EU: coverage anywhere.
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  3. If the large majority are talking about tracking them....why not just wait for the proper litre version next year???
  4. Good question and I don’t have an answer to hand. I hope to have run mine in for the recommended 1600 miles by the end of September so I can take it to Cartagena in October. Should I have waited for the V4R ? Only time will tell but the potential difference in performance between the 2 is meaningless for me as I don’t have the ability to get the top 30% of it and that might be (probably is) flattering myself. You never know, if they turn out to be that good, I always have the 1098R to chop in for the V4R. Andy
  5. Yawn!
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  6. The annoying thing is regarding these 2 bikes is that they're probably Imports with Warranty. Many Dealers will feel very p1ssed off by Sheffield. However it is a cut-throat business selling anything nowadays, people don't care as long as they make a profit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I would doubt that they are imports. I’m sure SMC who are just up the road and are the official Ducati dealers would have something to say about it if that were the case. My guess is they’ll have been bought via SMC (who got full RRP for them) and The Bike Specialists have taken a punt on someone being daft enough to pay a premium to have one without having to wait for one.
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  8. I'm picking them both up tomorrow . One for the lounge and one for the track . He's charging me extra as i'm paying cash instead of a bank transfer . I beat the queue suckers, you snooze, you loose!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. Like you @royalwithcream I mainly use my R for track and waiting for the V4R. Once it’s released there’s going to be a few Speciales px’d and in dealers showrooms as the garage princesses get replaced. Just look at the price of SL 1s.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. The problem with Sheffields selling strategy is they are pulling the entire Ducati market upwards. People are using thier vastly overpriced bikes as a barometer when selling thier own, particularly the rarer models. This is ok if you've more money than sense but isn't good for us mere mortals. All you need to do is look at the 1098R and 1098R Bayliss Rep they have. Not so long ago £16k bought a good R, Sheffield puts one on at £30k and all of a sudden £20k for one sounds like a bargain! Those clowns at Batley advertised one for £20k a bit ago then pulled the advert and relisted it at £24k! The whole things going nuts!
    • Agree Agree x 6
  11. What difference will that make?
  12. Well, the price maybe for a start...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Yeah- this is what i was getting at. Im guessing here but a large part of the price of the speciale is going to be for lights, paint, road going stuff so, assuming (as ducati say) the litre version is going to be track focused then youre going to be putting your money that the dosh that doesnt get spent on a flashy paint job goes into something else thats oritentated towards track use...

    Lets say for a moment its the same price at the inflated speciale - at least you know your 30 whatsit k is going into what they (ducati) perceive is the best tool for the job...
  14. The Ducati in question was outside the 2 yr manufacturers warranty.
    N/A with the current V4’s.

    You can buy one from non- franchised, franchised or from a bloke down the pub.

    As long as it’s maintained in accordance with Ducati’s recommendations & the item is covered, take it to any franchised dealer for warranty work .

    I appreciate, some dealers may put up some resistance, but with a polite persistent approach, you will get where you need to be.
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  15. Erm where are the Akra's?
  16. Do they own the, or have on a sale and return basis? My bets would be the latter. No stocking cost, just premises and insurance etc. Doesn’t matter either how long something sits there, as long as there is space for other kit.
  17. At normal retail price, the trader already has his margin inside. Therefore the 4k is on top of that. So people making a profit isnt a problem I have. The problem I have are people ripping people off. Sure, theyre entitled to etc and all that. I agree on the whole. But, if someone is prepared to add an additional margin on top of an already probably not insignificant margin. What else are they prepared to do? Where else and to whom else? In my mind it makes them 'feel' unscrupulous. So I'd give them a wide berth and would not trust them. Thats just the impression it gives me.
  18. In a box, along with the other “track” parts supplied, but not fitted on the bike.
  19. I thought they came fitted.
  20. Is the problem the EU regulation thing? they need to meet regs and supply the 'track only, honest guv' parts separately?? not sure if that counts for limited number special editions like this mind??
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