But they feel so crude and horrible to ride. Even in 1940 DonRs were complaining how rough the M20s were and trying to get hold on Matchlesses. Or so I have been told.
I like this as well. Seems to be some good buys in AJS/Matchless. Not so many Redditch Enfields about though plenty of modern Indians. https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C977325
Yep. Heard that. Even then M20s were slow. 350 Matchlesses were lighter, quicker and just nicer to ride. An M20 would be nice to own as a curiosity but probably not my idea of a everyday rideable classic.
I think you need some sort of basic mechanical knowledge on these old brit bikes and you're half way there
A good Matchless would probably be less trouble than the old Yam XS400 I had when I first passed my test. Definitely better built..
The ruggedness would a major part in this hypothetical purchase and would purely be for sentimental reasons as my dad, in his youth, used to own one before up-grading to a triumph 500 speed twin with ohv. The difference was chalk and cheese. So I was told.
Who remembers the old Used Bike Guide? (I think it was the UBG) From memory it had a one line entry for the M20: "Immense reliability, some charm, no performance." I do rather like them but as I say, not as a bike to be ridden. I think I'd rather have a Norton ES2
At one time I used to ride a Norton ES2 commuting daily from Billingshurst to London (45 miles each way). Often with a pillion. The ES2 has its limitations, but in the pecking order it ranks well above an M20, below a Velocette, and well below a Vincent.
I also used to have a Vincent Comet which I really loved and rode as my only bike for years (1971 - 75). Superb design. Getting expensive now, but well worth while.
I would not recommend a Velocette for anyone not accustomed to kickstarting. Of the bikes with kickstarts (basically all of them before about 1970), Velos are perhaps the most difficult to start in my opinion based on experience. Incidentally, Triumph twins were traditionally the easiest bikes to kickstart. I could actually start a 1966 Bonneville 650 with my hand.
The first job I had when leaving school was working in a stove enamelling plant. A Venom came in in bits, frame, swinging arm, tinware, all cycle parts in a box already shot blasted. I got to do some undercoating. I vividly remember the curved rear shock struts and the ages spent rubbing down stove-hardened filler on the heavily pitted oil tank. Had a soft spot for Venoms ever since. That one was black but I really like the dove grey ones as well. Comets are 25K now. The owner's group sometimes have a run down at West Bay. Always go and have a look when they're about.
If you are looking at Matchless/AJS the singles are much better than the twins. The G9 twin had a cast crankshaft that was famous for breaking.
My buddy is selling a 1959 T3A that's had a barrels and pistons conversion to 500cc. Lovely thing. Tax and MOT exempt.
Yes it was famous for breaking. And all those that were going to break broke 50 years ago. That is not an issue for anyone buying one today.