Been an interesting day at work. Kind of. Culminating in trying to sort out collection of my new bike. Hopefully it'll happen this coming weekend.
She tried on the third Paul, and fired up on the fourth - better than anticipated considering she's been resting since last October
I have successfully hemmed a pair of trousers with a £50 sewing machine. One more pair to go and then Ive offset the cost against what the bloke in dry cleaners wanted to charge me. Took me an hour. Half of which was learning how to thread the machine and the bobbin etc. Tailoring? Pissed it mate.
Don't look too closely [tiling virgin]. They seem to be cleaning up well, and they aren't slippery at all.. all in all rather pleased. I'm really not used to manual labour: i felt broken at work today...... in addition to tiling this weekend; I moved the last of the furniture back into the house and we had to shoulder press a sofa bed to get it up over a 6ft fence to get it into the house at 10pm last night (having lowered it onto my brothers nose - not much blood and it was flat anyway) . So it looks like this weekend I will be cleaning and organising, broken up by runs to the tip (if i can lift my arms by then): got some 'really useful' boxes (to store stuff out of the way in the loft space) and some dehumidifying kits to go in them to stop tools etc going rusty (anything metal will get a coat of oil before going away anyway).. & I should be able to move the bike back in from it's current resting place..
Spent the day off roading with Trailblazers in the Sierra de Tejeda. Fantastic fun. Unfortunately when I was walking up the ramp to their base my back went. Weird thing was, when I was on the bike I was fine, I just couldn't get off it or walk! Went with bro number 1, which was great as I don't often get to ride with him.
I was the same once after laying flooring all day, the most wrecked I have ever felt in my life. I have a friend who lays block paving etc, and he says the secret is "Once you are down, stay down" it's all the getting up and down that does you in.
If it’s the right model it’ll be the right colour It better be right because I’ve just transferred the balance due