6ft snowman (requires assembly) | eBay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/6ft-snowm...Garden_GardenOrnaments_JN&hash=item2ec58d1b06
Hmm, another fall of snow, do I drive the 45 miles to work? MAin roads are clear but more forecast for this afternoon and Salisbury plain to cross. I guess as long as it doesn't freeze it'll be fine. And why can't forecasts agree? I've looked on several this morning and even the ones that are supplied by the met office are different to the met office site.
Spare a thought for me, I've had to go all the way downstairs... I even stopped at the first floor to look out at the snow and fog..
nearly gone here just ice left main roads clear but they keep forcasting more snow ..................
Well the snow melted today and the road I live in clear Looked outside and it's heavy snow and white road again Please no more had enough now Bet schools are closed in the morning Grrrrrrr
Dear Snow, kindly f-off Yours sincerley....... :biggrin: Looking at the forcast, should be gone by Saturday
Said on the radio there were 5000+ schools closed yesterday. Jammy bastards, we had to dig our way to school back in the day:frown:
Not had any more snow overnight, but its not disappeared at all. We're forecast to have more today though.