Latest update. As well as being featured on the Radical blog Radical Ducati S.L.: From UK Nick is fabricating his Pantahstica replica I spent some time sorting the wiring loom out. It had an alarm fitted which was a real mess. The wiring was all over the place. Now I have a tidy looking loom made from two that I had, everything works as it should, but not checked the ignition side yet. It's too cold in the workshop, even with the heating on!
Well done for the post on the Radical site Nick. That's very cool. And a reflection of the good work you're doing!
Brake calipers fitted and bled, along with the clutch hose and oil cooler. Front loom fitted, the picture was taken before I'd made and fitted the rear half.
A good day in the workshop today. The wiring loom is finished and fitted, the engine spins over a treat and everything works as it should. It just needs the exhaust sorting, bodywork fitting, and a few finishing touches. The exhaust will have to wait, I need to wrap it and it's too cold for wet hands!
Jeeez, there's just no pleasing some people. When the weather is better I'll take it outside and take some pictures to put it in perspective. This picture does make it look a bit elongated.