All Junk and Scrap? Oooh, I don't really know .............. the f would I at 1 year old? :wink: But it obviously set a pattern for me owning 'period' bikes for a while....... AL
As far as I can remember (and in no particular order) Couple of bits of old Brit Iron (AJS/Matchless) GS850G GS550 Katana FZR600 ZXR750 TDM850 ST11 PanEuro Trophy 1200 There was also a Buell Cyclone and a Laverda Jota that were owned by his brother, but he never actually rode them so Dad used them instead.
My dad never had bikes, but mum had a new mobylette moped in 1974, i used to go out on it when i got home from school, before they came in from work. i was 13 or 14 at the time ;-)
Crazy Harry With a name like that I would have expected nothing less from you! I remember pushing my elder brothers car backwards up the driveway, late at night, and then bump starting it down a slight slope, in stealth mode, to go for an illicit drive when I was about 14 or 15. Oh what mischief!
I got a piccy of me and my sister with my dad on one of his machines it was taken at the TT. I knocked a collage up with that photo and then me with some of my grandkids and my bikes
My Dad on the Banbury run with his 1928 Triumph model P. Hes proper mental. His beard is up over his shoulders.
had same sort of story from my dad about freddie frith seem to remember my dad said he had a matchless 350 bought my first helmet and gloves from friths lol............... just waste land now
my dad had a honda c90, used to take me to cubs on it, in the 70s under his donkey jacket lol, my father in law had a few british bikes in the 60s, BSA etc, still harps on about them and calls my 996 a moped? silly old giffer
My old man claimed to dislike bikes, but it wasn't unusual to find him on quiet days in the shed attacking my bike with a tube of autosol. When pressed it transpired that he and a mate had bought a Harley between them while in the army (cut short when another mate killed himself on it) and he got banged up for nicking an army bike...
My Dad had a 1919 Triumph Baby. No clutch, rim breaks never took it on the road it was lethal. Side valve is the sound track to my youth and one day they will me mine :what:
I sold my sidevalve ariel just over a year ago. 1950 VB600, a handsome machine. This belonged to my Dad, I harassed him for it for years, he gave it to my son as his first birthday present, that way it was to become a family heirloom, more importantly, I wouldnt get bored and sell it. Its a 350 G3ls Matchless, similar performance to the 600 ariel sidevalve, flat out itll touch 70, happy at 45ish. looking for a dynamo at the moment. This one is a recent toy, AJS 250 unit, happy at 40, its a replica of a competition version, great bike for bimbling the local lanes. And I bought this a few weeks ago, a 1956 Ariel 650 Huntmaster, I plan to build a 50s style chair and replace the Mighty Bullet, bottom, my little sidecar 250 outfit. This pic is from the AD, its VERY flattering, the bike is a mess.
My old man had a Es single norton, got it for a fiver....for those who can remember the classic bike mag the small one he wrote a story for the mag and got it published "all for a fiver dad" I miss him