Track Pressures...think Yours Are Low?

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by bradders, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. This is why ;)

    • Like Like x 4
    • WTF WTF x 2
  2. What happened? Puncture?
  3. Interesting to see that they mount the rear brake resovior next to the clutch reservoir given the thumb brake mounted there.
    He must have felt the back squirming around after deflation of the rear.
  4. Nope. Normal running pressure. Application of wrist LOL
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  5. Looks like about 12psi.
  6. Qualifying?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Holy squished rubber rings, Batman!
  8. Wow

    Never thought that'd be how they run them. Is that for the race?
  9. I think I run about 18psi (cold) in the rear KR108. Front 30psi. I'll have to check.
  10. There were a few shots of shakey last year with the front and rear like this. He seems to love a soft tyre
  11. And just had a good look at that picture.... What a beautiful bike! The front end and bodywork look amazing :yum
  12. There all most to nice to race .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. The crazy thing is the Dunlops are designed to be low but these are Pirellis that normal human beings run at ~24 psi! They must feel really weird.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I wonder what he runs the rear at? Don’t quote me, but sure I read last year equivalent to 19psi. I ran my SC at 1.7 hot iirc whatever that is!
  15. Blimey, a nuke.
  16. During practice, I saw an SC0 rear set at 1.6 bar (23psi) on the tyre warmer. Andy
  17. Sounds about right. I went 1.7 as I never go quick enough to keep extra heat in lol
  18. Suspect he juts likes a low pressure tyre...front & back


    (C) silkolene
  19. Are those inters or wets? It was impressive at the weekend how in control he was, stalking Ray all race and then just ambushing him in the last lap.
  20. First race almost everyone ran the SC0 slicks except Leon who had an SC1 front (?), in the second race everyone ran full wets except the Honda which went out with an intermediate on the rear. Andy
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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