899 Db Killers For Termignoni Slip Ons

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Tiger69er, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. Hi, Does anybody have a pair of DB Killers for Termignoni Slip-ons for a 2013 Panigale 899 I can buy - (I think the one for the 1199's are the same so any body with those surplus to requirements as well)


    Alternatively if anyone can advise where I might be able to purchase some it would be much appreciated.
    #1 Tiger69er, Apr 19, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  2. Try Desmoworld . I bought some from them for the Termis on my monster.
  3. Hi and thanks for the heads up - I've taken a look at their site and they are in Germany ........ did you have any communication with them at or just order direct off their website ?
  4. Had a few email conversation about what I needed to order and they were very helpful. They took a long time to turn up though. They did say they were moving warehouse at the time....
  5. Ok great - was that all in English ?
  6. Yes, as I know naff all German!
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  7. Me neither.....well apart from what my grandad taught me :eyes:
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