
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Are you all lying, theiving, scumbags that want everything for nothing, and claim to have the "rights" to everything that has ever been invented and will be invented in the future?

    Or are you all just full of shit?

    Just curious like :smile:
  2. Steady on El T
  3. gotta hate the lot of them....:eek:


    Well almost! :tongue:
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  4. Nope, not all of us! :smile:
  5. Only on Wednesday :)
  6. What is their obsession with the singing of their national anthymn?
  7. Something about patriotism and being proud of their country maybe?

    I guess it's a strange concept for many folks this side of the Atlantic.
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  8. English defence league and issues about flag flying in Ireland spring to mind
  9. Probably more to do with the USA having been a multicultural society long before the UK ever was. The singing of the National Anthem was one way of knitting together a country made of people of many nationalities.

    And yes, rightly or wrongly, Americans are far less ashamed of being American than Brits are of being British.
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  10. How broad minded, its always easy to cite extremes.
  11. Then I guess you can't have done business with them much :rolleyes:

    I have never come across a nation that thinks that it has the god given right to try and screw everyone over at every opportunity more that Americans. They spend more time and effort trying to come up with scams than anyone else I have ever dealt with. If they applied as much effort into "doing" stuff then they might just get their economy back on track!

  12. And don't get me started on American lawyers. :mad:
  13. Maybe its you then :rolleyes:

    I work with 3 different American companies and have never had any issues and found their level of customer care & service is better than most that I've received this side of the Atlantic.
  14. A man was traveling from one city to another city when he met an old lady sitting beside the road. Wanting to know about the people in the town he was traveling to, he stopped and asked the old lady, "What are the people like in the next town?"

    She looked at him and asked, "How were the people like in the town that you came from?"

    The traveler answered "Oh, they were wonderful, kind, courteous and friendly!"

    The old lady said "They are the same in the next town."

    The next day another man was traveling to the same city when he met the old lady sitting beside the road. Also wanting to know about the people in the town he was traveling to, he stopped and asked the old lady, "What are the people like in the next town?"

    She looked at him and asked, "How were the people like in the town that you came from?"

    "Oh, they were terrible, the meanest, most unfriendly people that you would ever meet."

    The old lady looked at him and said "They are the same in the next town."

    I'll let you figure it out.
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  15. Same experience, I order from 3 different US suppliers, on the very rare occasions we have had issues they were sorted quickly and efficiently and I got the feeling they were genuine in their desire to put things right.
    I'm not going to say it's you but as Sherlock Holmes said "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth"

  16. I'm dealing with financiers, developers, real estate people and landowners. Shysters every last one of them :mad:

    Oh and lawyers too. They couldn't lie straight in bed if they tried :mad:
    #16 El Toro, Jan 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
  17. Are you a septic Loz ?
  18. therein lies the problem. This is not reserved to actions of a nation, but the culture within the "professions" listed, IMHO.
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  19. :tongue:
  20. That's just a reason to be ashamed of our country. The odd thing is Edl bnp etc actually cause more damage to the UK than anyone else. If they really loved the country they would do the decent thing and disband.
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