
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. 4:20am here, can't f'in sleep, it gotta be this thread, it's contagious I tell ya !!! :mad:
  2. ive just dropped into this thread....been off the site for a few wks..funnily enough i came back from the docs this evening as ive been unable to sleep for a year now..initially it was because of my spinal injury but recently my sleep has got worse and worse and i look/feel fkn all the time...its knocked on into daily life..forgetfullness, fatigue and all the rest of it...sometimes i wake up due to pain in my shoulder when i roll over on it, then i cant return to sleep...more often than not its stress, worry and the fact that im in a transition in my chapter closing on my life, finally dealing with separation from my partner-working that one out, new plans for my career future, money and career...just general life worries i guess, plus the long slow rehab after my op...
    i saw the surgeon on wednesday and he said i will need to have treatment and consultations with him for approx 3 yrs...sometimes im so fkd i'll just start nodding off in the day, literally anywhere..when i go to bed i cant sleep..its so frustrating..anyway, the doc said to take one of my painkillers (which i rarely take these days) about 45 minutes before bedtime. he said NOT to get out of bed if i cant sleep, just stay there, but force myself to get up no matter how tired i feel....yesterday i had ppl telling me i looked ill..a quick look in the mirror and i saw a red eyed cadaver looking back at me...
    anyway, im doing my best to get into a normal routine and have started going to the gym gently a couple of times a week...i just need to get into a mental/physical routine as i barely know what bloody day it is and have to write every little thing down otherwise i'll forget!!
    Sleep deprivation is a nightmare!
  3. Been through a very similar thing injury , partner up and leaving all at the same time . I was the same about the pain killers but if you do what the doc says it worked for me and routine aswell helps a lot . And stressing over stuff doesn't work I know its easy to say . I still write stuff down so I don't forget it and it helps to put things in order for sorting out .
  4. another night of crap sleep :-(
  5. Wakey wakey!!!!!!
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  6. Cripes, this is a scary thread as many comments are ringing bells here - it would be nice to think we could devise some sort of self-help therapy amongst us but as ever it's far easier to say it than do it. It's good that you are getting out funky as regular routine and meeting people more will hopefully prevent an early onset of hermetism. (but what do I know !) As i'm sure you are well aware painkillers after a while (20 years for me) painkillers only work if you take them infrequently as the body just gets used to them and stronger versions certainly aren't the answer either. As far as sleep goes (again. what do I know) I think distraction can be one answer and going over/concentrating on what you 'look forward' to doing the following day can help. Off topically, one thing I miss from that 'other site' is not being able to see who else is looking at a particular thread while on it as you could almost guarantee an answer !! Ah well, another cup of Tea beckons.
  7. Ive been up since 5am but woke several times during the night. I hate this. :mad:
  8. Question to El T: did you have insomnia during your skiing holiday?

    This might tell you whether or not fresh air and physical activity (or maybe just heavy drinking) is a good remedy. May also tell you something about work too (either it is, or isn't, related).
  9. No I didn't. This is work/stress related. :frown:
  10. Well, now you know what's causing it, you're half-way to fixing it.
  11. You need to seek advice, mate. I went through the same thing and eventually it (whatever "it" is) will catch up with you.

    I have several recommendations based on personal experience. PM me if you want to. If not, fine, but I wish you all the best in any case. Take care.
  12. Still not sleeping especially well, but not as bad as it has been. Back in the office as of Monday, and returning to my normal job role by mid week. I think the return to 'normal' life will help.
  13. I'll second that.. a few years ago I had been suffering from stress and not sleeping for a while. I was due to spend a week in devon with my Brother and his family, which I was going to cancel, but was encouraged to go regardless. After going to devon on my cbr 600 I went out the next morning for an exploratory ride.

    After another night of poor sleep I went for an early ride full of stress and about 4 or 5 cans of red bull. As the road from barnstable to woolacombe went from 90mph A road to tight unclassified back road my stressed and caffeine ravaged mind failed to adapt in time, leading to an error of judgement, a CBR embedded in the hedge and a trip to a&e (some muscle and ligament damage) - to date the only proper crash I've had that's been my fault..

    Stress and lack of sleep can often have very bad results.
  14. Funnilly enough I slept like a log last night. Maybe cos there might be some light at the end of the tunnel with some of the crap flying about in the US on the work front. Hope so anyway.
  15. Woohoo.................two good nights sleep on the trot!!:upyeah:
  16. Must be contagious - I slept very well last night too. I did go swimming, perhaps that helped..
  17. It's 6am here, yet to go to bed, every so often I need to stay up all/most of the night for a "reset" then I find I can sleep reasonably well for another week or two.
  18. Back to nytol for me ! Those bio plugs are fabulous btw!!!!!! They feel strange at first but have helped with noise loads :) thank you
  19. And it's back :rolleyes:
  20. Which version? I tried the herbal ones, but didn't get on with them at all, all they did was give me bad dreams. Having said that, other people get on well with them.
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