Vote to leave the European union?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard H, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Our Pm David Cameron today promised an in or out vote in his speech but only in 5 years time and only of course if they are elected again.

    I for one am sick of the insidious creep of European rules and regulation, Very soon our national government will have little influence on tax, immigration, labour law, transport and even defence. The only reason the rest of Europe want closer ties is to protect the Euro, a currency that has been a distaster for the likes of Greece and Spain.

    Sooner we vote the better. Rant over.
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  2. was it Jacques Delors who said that there would be no real unification without a major crisis? There are some who think that the Euro crisis was allowed to mature in order to create a superstate. Whatever, it's grown beyond the original proposition that was voted on thirty, forty years ago and it's time to ascertain the views of the electorate again.
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  3. Why wait 5 years, bring the date of the election forward and give everybody a vote sooner rather than later

    EU red tape is crippling europe and the sooner Europe has a wake up call and realigns itself with the rest of the real world the better
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  4. We should absolutely have a rederendum as soon as possible and the pro`s should be just as in favour of that as the anti`s. At least we would know where we stand. I`m firmly in favour of coming out. Regardless of how good or bad laws/rules are , they should only be passed by the people we directly elect.
    Speaking as an owner of an import/export company I dont see how being out will affect business at all. I deal with countries in 4 of the 5 continents and have no problems. And before anyone mentions duty rates, that is a political decision and not compulsory. To use an example we are all familiar with,Ducati will still want us to buy their bikes and Triumph will still want to sell in Italy regardless of if we are in or out.
  5. "Red tape" is one of those curious expressions which is often bandied about but never explained. Usually it comes down to meaning any regulation which protects consumers, or employees, or minorities, or children, or taxpayers; and people who say they want to "cut red tape" actually mean they want to take away other peoples' rights for their own advantage.

    What do you mean by it, please, Popelli?
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  6. where would you like me to start?

    minimum sizes for brussel sprouts

    straight bananas

    special test sites for bikes at 50kph instead of 30mph
  7. I still think sprouts are the best thing to come out of Brussels
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  8. What Cameron actually said was that he would renegotiate terms and then have a yes no referendum based upon those new terms.
  9. 'Red Tape' is a collective noun for all of the bollox we do not like about Europe.
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  10. What Cameron actually said was some vacuous empty shite designed to stop his own back benchers stabbing him in the back and to make Tory Heartland voters think he's addressing the "threat" from that bunch of swivel eyed nutters that is UKIP
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  11. How about kicking out that Terrorist Abdul Hamster face but can't because the EU say so, for one.

    There are Pro's about europe and i would vote to stay in it but not at any cost to the UK. The Eu are poo pooing the vote because they want to beleive we won't have the stomach to pull out when it comes to the crunch. We need to be prepared to call their bluff if it comes to it.

    By making difficult trading terms as they claim they might, they hurt themselves as much as us. For example we have the only growing european car market currently. Ask Pug and Citroen if they can afford to lose the sales being on the verge of collapse.
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  12. If, repeat, if......the Tories win at the next election; you can bet your bottom dollar the Yes/No referendum will be worded in such a way that half the population won't understand it; while the other half will be tricked by the way it is worded......(by the other half, I don't mean Mrs Arquebus....mind you, she would be in the first half...........and by the first half, I don't mean she will be substituted at half time)

    I think the only way to guarantee a definite Out, is to vote UKIP..........but then it appears all politicians lie, so no doubt Niggle Farridge will change his mind if he becomes Prime Minister.....

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  13. The European Court of Human Rights,and subsequent adoption of the Human Rights act into UK law is nothing to do with the EU.
    This illustrates one of the biggest problems with any debate on the EU, which is that most people have no idea what it is or does for us which is why arguments usually descend into vague desires to "claw back power from Europe" without actually defining what those powers are and side issues about myths like straight bananas or confusion between the ECHR, Human Rights Act and EU.
    Bring on a referendum but only if there's enough information provided to make a sensible decision. Do not allow Murdoch and his cronies to control the debate, you at least get to vote for your MEP, the editors and owners of our national press answer to no one, the Levison enquiry makes that clear enough.
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  14. Cameron banging on about a vote is just a way of trying to pull in votes from the independent party, it suits their purpose. Frankly, small potatoes. Whether or not we will actually leave the EU is another matter.

    World politics is now so finally balanced that planet UK plc doesn't really know which way to jump. As it stands it serves our purpose to stay as we are with a foot in both camps (USA & Europe) and to maintain the status quo. If the yanks get ugly we can side with the europeans and vice versa. Very Orwellian.

    The unanswered problem lies with the Russians and the Chinese. The Russians are still pissed at losing out to the yanks and their natural affiliation will be to jump in with the Chinese. The Russians only make comfortable bedfellows with the europeans at the moment because of the oil and gas fields. When and if the Chinese decide that they want to be the dominant super-power the Ruskies will revert to type.

    Any sprout then will be more than welcome.
  15. Its also what I use when I have ran out of black tape :wink:
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  16. Point well made.

    If the vote is purely on the trading part of the EU as in the common market, that is not entirely being made clear.
    The political hot air is of repatriation of powers to the Uk.

    A lot of that can be done outside of the trading umbrella if that is all we are voting on.
  17. I believe that Cameron will negotiate on repatriating powers to the GB Parliament, then put the new relationship to the people. There is already an examination of what powers the EU has over us and I guess once that's complete, we can look at negotiating.
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  18. And creating green house gases, now there's a hot topic :biggrin:
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  19. 'Those swivel eyed nutters that is UKIP', your words not mine, are likely to determine the outcome of the next election, and I think Dave knows it.

    I think you are behind the curve shadow. Questioning the EU is becoming mainstream.
  20. Dave is soft on Europe, and the Europeans know it, there will be face saving token gesture and the jugernaut will roll on.
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