Cctv - Ideas/recommendations?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mzungu, Apr 24, 2018.

  1. I'm thinking of installing some CCTV to cover the garage and house. There seem to be a myriad of options out there and I'm loathe to spend thousands on a solution if I can avoid it. I'd also like something that might actually work and give me peace of mind.

    Anyone here have any recommendations?
  2. comes in a lovely wooden box;) wm_8067692.jpg
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  3. When I win the lottery, and after Ive got the Rigby 416 double I've promised myself, than I'll get one of those :)
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  4. That will stop them in their tracks:upyeah:
  5. ..we need a hydroponics section on here before cctv lark!!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Nest? I'm thinking of an indoor paired with 2 outdoor and the thermostat and alarm. Seems like a nice system, works from the phone and you can login with ease. We did a test with the indoor cam at my in-laws and it worked like a treat. It has facial rec, detects and differentiates sounds vs people etc, plus night vision.
  7. Groupon have what looks like an ok set of one indoors and one outdoors with WiFi for about £50
  8. Got Lorex system 4 cameras wifi with battery back up records to hard drive loop for 20 days cost about £400 twelve months ago - 1 out side workshop 1 inside on door 2 on drive and house emails direct to phone if movement - seems good
  9. Ubiquiti UniFi video
  10. Nest are very good, however their data/bandwidth usage is horrendous. My dad has them all over his house and he’s uploading A LOT of data. He’s had to set them to 720p to get that somewhere near an acceptable level. In that case, you may as well get a cheaper cam.

    I run £35 Zmodo Wi-fi cameras. They record to cloud (30 days) and are fine for close range stuff (inside the house and close range outdoors stuff). At range, I don’t get as clear an image but it’ll read a reg plate at the foot of my driveway.

    I’ve one on the driveway, one in the garage, one in the entry lobby, one in the kitchen (back door), another floater that I’ve yet to fix into a permanent position. I’m thinking side alley. I will also be putting one outside the front door when our porch gets built. You can talk/listen through them too. All accessible via their app or a web browser.

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  11. Just a quick heads up to the op. As Maplins stores are all closing down they are selling off all stock cheap including cctv systems. It is a case of going to the store to see what is left.
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  12. Always good to see the yodel delivery man throw parcels on the floor :eyes:, nice bin shot though
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I’m using one of these
    Fairly reliable and good remote access, below screenshot from iPad app, records on movement which is selectable via the app and it will e mail and text alarms if required
  14. Thanks all! Seems to get anything decent I'm spending a bit of cash. Some good options here.
  15. I work for a Fire and security company, you gets what ya pays for with this kit, wouldn’t touch anything that Maplin is peddling.

    The lower end of the professional market is Hikvision, cameras start at £60 and a 4 channel recorder is £120 not including HD.
    It’s decent kit for the money with a 3yr warranty and generally pretty reliable.

    The other end of the market is Avigilon great kit, appx £700 per camera.

    If you need any advice on lens sizes, camera types etc happy to help.
  16. I have this in the ‘watch list’ .... do you think this would be a reasonable home system? Thanks!!
  17. Yes would be a good starting point.

    That style of camera are ok for short range work outside, don’t expect to see much further than 10-12 meters with the Infra red at night time though.
    If your looking to cover say a driveway 15 meters wide by 40 meters long and want it to look like a daylight picture at night you would need to go up the range a bit.

    You can mix and match camera types and styles with this recorder so can upgrade as required.

    There’s 2 types of HD cameras in the range, the Turbo HD uses conventional coax cable or cat 5 with converters and IP cameras use cat 5/6 Cable.

    Personally I would go for the Turbo HD range, they are easier to set up and the pictures don’t drop out which can happen on IP cameras “even the top end”.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. Great, thank you! Yes would like to ‘see’ a half decent image at least 20 meters at night. Although don’t want to break the bank. Thanks!
  19. 077D596E-86AA-4C06-B139-57929069B72A.png This is a decent camera, it’s got the new smart IR which gives a good image at night, there’s videos on YouTube demonstrating them, have a look and see what you think.

    Unless you cameras are mounted really low, “ie within arms reach” IMO bullets are best, they stay cleaner and have a sun / rain shield which helps with varying conditions.

    The range really starts to get good circa £100 +

    All the best
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