I think he must be a merkin. It's sad that it's possible to be labelled a bigot because you care about your country. Not everyone who has pride in their background is a racist or a narrow-minded arse.
The thing with the EDL and BNP is that they see multiculutral integration as the source of all our problems. With them its the 'Britain for the British' mentality that is seen as being racist. You mention the recent troubles with the flag in Northern Ireland and the sad thing is that that kind of disagreement will never go away, it may disappear from public view, but it will never go away. There are still thousands if not millions of Amercians who still salute the confederate flag, you know the one, its on top of the General Lee in Dukes of Hazzard. It is very sad that pride and hatred in regard to your nation seemed to be so interlinked. Yes the Americas were colonised from the Europeans and yes there was slavery. The sad thing is the Americans weren't the only nation to embrace slavery. Sorry this is getting way off topic now. I have never had a problem with dealing with the Americans being in business or socially. The people who I have encountered, with the exception of the bored bloke on the Jaws ride at Universal Studios, have all been incredible polite, helpful and kind hearted, which in turn is exactly how I treated them
I've only dealt with the British versions of the above professions and from my experience they are all a bunch of Shysters too!
Buells are shit. Still wouldn't mind one tho'. All the americans I've met have been unerringly friendly and courtesy, but somewhat false. Not in a bad way, just too overt at everything. Still, I hope to visit the country this year and make my mind up once I'm in their back yard. I expect to still like them in the main.
ive met a few, my sister married one, ive always found them polite and nice shame i cant say the same about other people i know
If you think British lawyers are bad (which I do) then wait till you deal with American lawyers. You agree something with them then they completely ignore what they've just agreed face to face or verbally and do something completely different. We've had to have third parties involved to witness what has been agreed to verify what's been said and agreed. Yet they still try it on. Seems like a trick to keep things bubbling so their fees mount up. And I'm not talking about shitty back street lawyers....... I'm talking about internationally renowned practices that charge in excess of $1000 an hour
TBH, I think there are so many Americans that they can represent almost all aspects of society. You'll meet a lot of staunchly patriotic people who might not own a passport, let alone travel outside the US borders, others might look and act like continental Europeans. There are millions with gun racks and millions who have no guns. Millions of church-goers and millions of agnostics. Millions of good people and millions of nutters. What I'm trying to say is that there is no typical American, but you'll meet lots who appear to represent a group with common attributes.
Well the lawyers, international developers, land agents & landowners I've dealt with do a very good impression of Americans then.