Ffs I’m actually tired of the fcuking fascination of ‘Sparkle’ Can’t open any news article without their beaks everywhere. Call the weein fcuking Fred for all care
One of a very few subjects that boil my piss Stevo. Out dated parasites called the royals. I just don't understand it? ?
Couldn't give a fuck....the only thing that I'll receive from the royal family in any shape way or form is a day off....
I'm pro Royal based on Royalty being such a rich vein in British history. If we keep dumbing down our history and heritage we lose our identity. That might sit fine and dandy with some people on here and all the libtards in our midst but it doesn't sit fine and dandy with me. Never will. That's all. And as for the Royals costing the tax payers dear. Well that's just bollocks. Tourism to the UK based on the Queen is gargantuan. So suck it up @Wayne58 you angry boy you... grrrrr...
Can't open it, I'm on a wanky Shell site. But I'm fairly certain that's not a bad thing on this occasion
Utter bollox Mary, Who produces the figures that says they earn more than they cost? Oh yeah, the royal house hold do. What a surprise?!? Not a massive Brand fan, but this vid warrants a watch
I'd rather have a non-political Royal representing me as my head of state any day than President Corbyn. In terms of cost there is no comparison. Mathematics doesn't go that big.
Amuses me to read a bunch of franco germans moaning about some other germans because they've got bigger houses.
13.35 "We've got to ban psychoactive drugs, so we can have more ceremonies where billionaire pensioners (and family) can smother themselves in gold, surrounded by judges, posh people & politicians and tell all the poor people to fuck off" Says it all really!