Royal Baby Named................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. Brand is a cock. Multi millionaire Brand who married a multi millionaire golfers daughter, speaks for the poor from his £3.3 million pound council house on the River Thames



    He moved there after moving out of his £2 million pound house in London, after demanding more low-cost housing in London but wasn't happy when it emerged that he lived in the £2million home in hipster Hoxton, East London, and that it was owned by a firm based in a tax haven.
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  2. Words cannot express how much I hate that Russel brand cunt. . He does make very good points there though. .. still hate the self important piece of shit.. why don't he donate his Ill gotten gains to the less fortunate?
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  3. Well compared to Lizzie & her massive extended family, Brand doesn't cost you anything, plus in the scheme of things, "the billionaire pensioner smothered in gold" has quite a bit more cash than him so should start off giving to the poor?
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  4. Love him or not,some valid points made in both vids, they are out of date parasites that the country will be better off without imo
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  5. He cost me the will to live every time I see hIm on the telly...
    Yes the billionaires should not be billionaires but he should not be a millionaire due to his crimes against comedy... he should be drowned in his own urine before being dismembered in the name of science and justice...
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  6. Im not a fan ..
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  7. Idle, fat, stupid people who live on chicken nuggets and phone credit supplied by the rest of us and who breed instead of working for a living cost me a lot of money as well. And they don't bring in billions of pounds in tourism into the country, they don't champion charities or promote trade, they are not held in high esteem worldwide or serve as heads of state for some of our closest allies abroad, they serve no constitutional purpose and not one of them has ever done anything to bring nations together under the Commonwealth. They don't even make organic biscuits to supplement the charity they take from the rest of us, they've never won a single Olympic medal for show jumping for fuck's sake and we don't get public holidays because of them, we just get the fuckin bill for their existence. Parasites. We would be better off without them.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. the young royals aint fat?
    Stuart. the new royal should be called Stuart.
  9. Idle, fat, stupid Royals who breed instead of working for a living cost me a lot of money as well. When did Andrew, Edward, Fergie, do anything useful except help tabloids sell papers

    Don't forget Margaret, what did she ever do for the country? Apparently she spent a great deal of time -and your taxes- having fun with gangsters and celebs on Mustique...
  10. As I understand it Jez, Only the direct ones get allowances and that totals per year using 2016/17 figures, costs each tax payer, 65 pence per year. That does not include the 23 million people who do not pay any tax at all of course

    However I feel your anger and pain and if you give me your bank account details, I will pay you at the most recent figure, 10 years of your personal contributions to the monarchy. I am happy to do this and look forward to your details so I can send a cheque or other means of payment for the total 10 years worth of contributions, £6.50.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. who doesn't pay any tax? the only ones i can think of that dont pay tax are those that can claim it back. hmm.
  12. Self Employed is a wide spectrum fin :D
  13. My objections to the hereditary monarchy, while substantial, are on entirely different lines from the trivial nonsense scattered about this thread. The expenses of accommodating and guarding a Head of State, of running ceremonial occasions, and of maintaining the ancient castles and palaces, are minor and would continue in any event, thus have no bearing on the issue one way or the other.

    The real point is that the monarch, by being hereditary, lacks the legitimacy to restrain the executive. That lack of restraint is a weakness in our system of government. A (directly or indirectly) elected non-executive President would be able to exercise some limited supervision of government ministers, including the Prime Minister, based on his or her legitimacy. Such a President could have constitutionally defined functions and powers, in contrast to the hereditary monarch restricted to offering advice with virtually no powers at all.

    Apart from that is the fundamental problem that under the hereditary system a future Head of State might be unsuitable, incompetent, disreputable, unpopular, yet non-removable. A President would at least be term-limited.

    If that seems too radical for some, consider this compromise. Without suggesting that the House of Windsor should be excluded outright, rather a putative King Charles III or King William V should be obliged to stand for some form of election. If they obtained a sufficient majority, that would give them their legitimacy - and if someone else was preferred, then so be it.
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  14. Rather than refer to them as the ‘Royal’s’ Can we just call them as the ‘Sparkles’

    Give me the fucking shits looking at them.

    Give me photos of some poor bastards working, some poor bastard trying to feed his family. Oh actually they do, called, can’t pay, we will take it away. Take what actually? Fuck the credit card company, ffs I’m more in favour of a credit card permit, than a gun permit.

    Please Ffs who is actually watching these tits lol
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  15. Hi Pete
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. The Queen’s salary or official funding is £82.2m. iNCREDIBLE INCREASE OF 145% SINCE 21012
    What about all the security costs, flight operations etc. Estimates of the security for the last royal wedding security costs were around £32million. Another £4.5m was spent just by the Queen in 2016 on transport & travel. Prince Phillip spent over £19,000 to use a royal train for a journey from London to Cumbria. This is a cost of £60 per mile - can't he go by Rolls Royce and save us all a few pounds? The train costs around £600,000 per year to maintain, not including the cost of journeys.

    William & Kate needed £4million from taxpayers to redo the kitchen, bathrooms and nursery - how much will Harry & Meghan need? The list is endless.

    There are approx 63million people in the UK, less than 50% pay any income tax. gold-vault.jpeg
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  17. I would say instead of flying aircraft and visiting tropical islands, let the whole family do a different kind of experience, move everything royal, into nice council estate accommodation for a couple of years, preferably in Glasgow ( far away lol) and survive on benefits from the poor, instead of their benefits for the royals, that would sort them out!
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  18. All this Royal bullshit must be for a reason, some fucker is trying to piss someone off. I blame Soros!
  19. I dunno
    The same people get angry at democracy
    The same people get angry at Brexit
    The same people get angry at Trump
    The same people get angry at the Royals
    The same people get angry at a baby being born
    The same people do not get angry at being angry

    Hmmm I think I blame the anger management people for drumming up business
    • Funny Funny x 2
  20. I blame you
    • Funny Funny x 1
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