Any Boorman fans? 8pm C5

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Africa adventure. May be worth a watch
  2. Watched it last week and it was OK, BUT it is hyper dramatized to make everything look really dangerous/risky when it blatantly isn't :rolleyes:

    For all of the above it wan't bad !
  3. can't stand the vacant twat. everything is "wow" or "gosh" or "my my".

    no wonder he's not acting anymore.
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  4. Any Boorman fans?

  5. What does he ride then?
  6. Leave him alone! I know he's not the best but anything with 2 wheels on the box is better than nowt surely?
  7. I managed about 8 minutes
  8. It's just a pretty dull travel program...:rolleyes:
  9. you're easily pleased.......
  10. He's not a bad old geezer, for a real adventure for me it has to be the long way round.
  11. your'e right mate its crap, i'll watch the TV awards instead................................truly talented these soap stars.:mad:
  12. Ive been searching and researching....

    DR650 lowering, which became DR650 cafe racer that tirned into DR650 street tracker and finally turning a DR650 into a supermoto

    much more interesting
  13. genuinely enjoyed watching the long way round think it inspired many an adventure trip as well as being the greatest sales pitch for BMW but Charlie's latest so called adventure is just dull dressed up as exiting. Made the first 20 mins and could take no more.

    Give me a proper adventurer like Sir Ranalph Fiennes any day
    #13 Richard H, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
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  14. You could always turn telly off and do something else............................bikes can be shit too..............
  15. Nah, no fan of boorman here, just a cash cow for him. I think BMW refused to give them the bikes on long way round as boorman tried to get anything he could for free. Long way round was ok but they had a large backup crew and money to burn, not exactly tough going although they did their best to make it appear that way. The best around the globe documentary has to be mondo enduro for me. Austin Vince presents Mondo Enduro
    These guys had little money and did it on DR350's if my memory serves me correctly. Its a real gritty way to do it and many of them did not make it around.
    I quite enjoy worlds greatest motorcycle rides too with henry cole. I think its on the travel channel which i dont have on virgin : (
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  16. Sounds like Im in the minority in the fact I actually quite like Mr Boorman. Yes you can argue thats hes not a true adventure rider as he goes out with a support team and tv crew, but good luck to him. He gets to ride bikes and have fun doing it. I cant see a problem with that. I'd much rather watch a Boorman series that any other faux reality BS that pollutes the channels
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  17. I reckon he's the kind of guy a beer in the pub is fine wit, but fronting a TV prog is a stretch...especially with his entourage (whats the posh boys name?!) on screen all the time and even more boring in front of the camera, it makes it tough
  18. This! Charley largely comes across as a decent chap. He appears to have a job that I'd frankly dream of - I've no particular wish to be on the telly but getting paid to ride round the world seems like a good gig to me! If his programmes weren't popular they wouldn't get commissioned - the people at the TV channels would be quick enough to say no otherwise.
  19. Paradoxically lots of viewers don't seem to want highly articulate witty knowledgeable TV presenters. They want ordinary sounding blokes who stumble and bumble along much like everybody else. Charley B appeals to this market, and good luck to him.
  20. There will always be exceptions like Attenborough, Aspel and Parkinson, but for each of those there's a Ben Fogle who does everything with such boyhood elation, you can't help but smile, even if he's well out of his depth most of the time :smile:
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