Royal Baby Named................

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. There is that option too of course :eyes: :D
  2. :beer:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Surely you don't you actually believe the above figure ??
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  4. I believe when people are angry the royals are an easy target as they have very little recourse to fight back.

    On the figures, yeah, if they are out then I don't think it will be too much. You have three options basically,
    1 Do away with them and become a republic but we pretty much have already as they are largely ceremonial. She might sign a piece of paper now and again but they have very little control as parliament does the heavy load
    2 become like most of the other european royal families, almost like your neighbours to a point where they become almost like a town mayors which seems pointless
    3 Accept that the British Monarchy is widely accepted as the mostly highly respected monarchy of all monarchies and due to that, tourism within the U.K. see's billions of income coming in every single year plus the firm pays millions and millions into taxes and not forgetting, a very large part of expenditure is providing housing and employment for the hundreds of staff that work within the firm, who again in turn pay taxes and national insurance

    I understand why some question the monarchy, it's existence, it's future etc I do but if you seriously look at ALL of the figures and not just the soundbites you are fed by the haters, you will see the figures are not a great argument against, so it slips back to the emotive and personal opinion, I have no issue with that.

    But again, this thread was about a new born child
  5. 3 Accept that the British Monarchy is widely accepted as the mostly highly respected monarchy of all monarchies and due to that, tourism within the U.K. see's billions of income coming in every single year plus the firm pays millions and millions into taxes and not forgetting, a very large part of expenditure is providing housing and employment for the hundreds of staff that work within the firm, who again in turn pay taxes and national insurance.
    kind of like a public service? why not privatize it?
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  6. Have you ever wondered why the Royals have that strange wave? Its because they have had their hands out for so long they can't bend them anymore! index.jpg

    That Buck House doesn't make the top twenty attractions in the country must show the tourism claims to be just another figment of the imagination - unless all visitors are so badly informed they go to the Tower by mistake? LOL
    #66 Jez900ie, Apr 29, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I think the Germans already did :D
  8. People believe what they want to believe. Wayne ;)
  9. Indeed
    Can you tell me then, if you believe the official figures are not real or even close, what figures do you feel are the real figures and where would you get them from?
  10. Ooo, that's a good idea, can we extend the principle to welfare claimants ?
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. The famous 65p figure is produced by the royal household. With 31 million taxpayers, are you seriously suggesting the royals cost a mere 20 million annually ? The Nazi's salary alone is over 80 million. Buck house refurb is costing 369 million. Buildings upkeep 20 million annually. Travel, security, functions, etc etc et fucking cetra. 65p...... PAH
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. mate, there are 65millionpeople paying tax in one way or another in the uk, yip, even the disabled jv, the poorest being the highest taxed in proportion of their income.
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  13. Then again, would anyone want their life, with all the restrictions and expectations.

    I suppose you could walk the grid on every MotoGP if you wanted.
  14. I get that but that wasn't the question asked was it? if you dispute the figures, on what is it based and do you have any figures you could point to, to refute it, have you and a link to them would be cool
  15. Another fecking free loader that lives it's whole life with the best of everything paid for by us. If this was Stella and Keanu's child from Shellsuit City, with their 8 other free loading track suit wearing bastard sproggs, living in a massive house paid for with benefits, you'd all have an issue, but stick a fecking false title on the wee German, and you're all out waving flags while gormlessly chanting ooh and Ahh .
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Which of course is nonsense fin, retired, children, unemployed, students, those on the lowest wage all paying no direct tax
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Dude, you've got google, just do a couple of mins searching. I don't think anyone can truly come up with an accurate figure, but 350 million seems to get thrown around a bit. Personally, I suspect, using simple addition, it's a shit load more than that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Rest easy Fin, I don't think it will ever happen.
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