British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. When Blair said, I'm opening the doors and only expecting around 13,000 european migrants to come in, the people with foresight and common sense (not racists, not xenophobe's) said hold on fella, you're talking shite, were proved right as we now have around 3.2 million european migrants in the U.K.
    In context that is the population of Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds and Liverpool

    When Cameron went to the eu after the referendum and said give me something to work with, the arrogange of the eu thought nothing would happen if they gave him crumbs. He was told they would do this, never listened to the people of common sense and foresight and the brexit vote was won

    When Merkel said, open the gates of hell, the people with foresight and common sense (not racists and not xenophobe's) said don't do it Frau it will crash the eu, she didn't listen and the eu is now fragmenting and becoming more divided than ever and more right wing parties are on the rise, again she was warned but did not listen.

    Even here in a european parliament news source they say 73% of europeans want the eu to do more to manage the migrant situation, but still the eu refuses to do anything other than stick their finger in the dyke (not that one :D)

    When the brexit vote was won, again most people of common sense said, we have won the vote but not the battle. The vote was for a clean break from the eu and we knew that the extreme remainers and eu loving politicians would try and sell democracy down the river. Those people with common sense and foresight said "we need to go straight to wto" and people would have known where we stood and started to plan instead we are going down the route of the hidden project fear

    Now, how ever you view the immigration/migrant situation/eu, when the politicians of the day ignore the majority,Then it calls into doubt whether democracy is working because political interests seem to overide democracy and that becomes very dangerous
    #12641 noobie, May 2, 2018
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
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  2. Hmmm, hoisted by your own petard there Dukey. The people throwing the toys out of the pram and the Remainians. Ironically, if the Govt loses a vote in the House of Commons due to these MPs, this would in all probability force her to go.

    Other mechanisms -
    • Illness
    • Cabinet rebellion
    • Ministerial resignations (although Corbyn saw the majority of his shadow cabinet resign a short while ago and survived)
    • Leadership challenge
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Democracy says they can if they feel a democratic vote is being overturned through backroom deals to crash the democratic vote

    I wondered if you had watched the lords of late because that is exactly what the remainers have done
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. hmm, noob, a britnat is gonna britnat yer hypocrisy is there for all to see, even with a modicum of memory. and not worth going over and over.. comparing the friendly rivalry between edinbro and glasgow to the "banter" between north and south of england is like comparing apples and lemons, based on my mates and costumers attitudes it's v,much the southerners that have overdosed on the lemons when it comes to your fellow countrymen.

    why move the Parliament north, to say Newcastle, mid Yorkshire maybe? makes perfect sense if yer a red or blue tory neocon, that believes in trickle down economics. let me give you just one example, tho i am sure it will be no different for the rUK, even tho they are just regions of England, we, like your regions currently have most of our country managed from Whitehall and other centralized departments,about 85% of it in our case, its said, depending on who is quoting the figures we lose anywhere up to 10bill in tax multipliers alone, through high paid civil servant jobs, VAT on procurement etc, rent,purchase of buildings ect, that is billed to us and is reflected in the GERS figures. thats just one area. imagine just for one minuet if the the gov and civil service was was based more central, can you envisage the good that would do to the areas left behind by thatcher and the conservative and unionists party?, it would save the red torys from just "managing" disappointment and poverty also.
    what they never tell you is how good an indi scot would be good for the north of England economy, mostly for the reasons i have just stated.
    there you go noob, so, when yer out there today marching on Westminster, get yer walking sticks pointing north. tell em, eee, where taking back t control. but maybe not of yer bladders.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. No thanks. I like my city the way it is. I don't want it turned into the Islington of the north with their fancy new fangled attitudes. :mad:

    We already have to put up with day trippers shopping, and hen parties from Jockland, thank you very much. o_O Between a rock and a hard place, it is. :worried:
  6. Fin you've taken the jibber jabber pill again. Do you honestly believe no Scot has ever said, those Snp in Edinburgh in the same way you constantly say the tories in westminster?

    I know what your saying but you are being selectively blind for purpose. All countries run their major governmental offices/functions from their capitals, you may notice you do the exact same for Scotland in Edinburgh. There is not so much a Problem with the location but more the capital seems to have become a bubble, you only have to look at Labour who seem to only want to capture the capital and forget the rest. The bubble would happen wherever the capital/government are and it is that bubble elite that is the issue, not the location.

    Fin I wish you could remove the snp blinkers you have. In that one paragraph ^ what you have effectively said is, after 10 years , the snp are still giving the Scottish people as their representatives, 10 years of incompetence and bad deals

    They won't tell you fin because it is a lie.

    Fin, we are not the ones making noise with a bladder bag and wooden pipes attached :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. deffo, noob, it wasn't printed in the mail so it must all a big lie. but this isnt. #
    Your cut-out-and-keep guide to what is and is not news (source: the mainstream media) -

    The fact that the UK government want to use Brexit as an excuse for removing powers from the Scottish Parliament: Not News

    The fact that the Scottish Tories failed to make good on their promise to use their "influence" to ensure that the EU Withdrawal Bill was amended at the Commons stage to prevent the power-grab: Not News

    The fact that the Scottish Parliament voted overwhelmingly, and on a cross-party basis, to pass an emergency Continuity Bill to protect devolution from the power-grab: Not News

    The fact that the Tories, having been soundly defeated on the floor of the Scottish Parliament, are going to the Supreme Court in London in an attempt to have the Continuity Bill struck down: Not News

    The fact that the Welsh Government caved in and accepted the power-grab, thus allegedly leaving Nicola Sturgeon "isolated" and "under pressure": HOLD THE FRONT PAGE

    The fact that Labour and the Liberal Democrats belatedly backed Nicola Sturgeon's decision to continue resisting the power-grab, thus demonstrating she is neither "isolated" nor "under pressure": Not News
    The real failure of the media in Scotland isn’t so much that it is overwhelmingly opposed to independence. Even on its own terms it is failing, because it is not representing Scotland as a part of the UK. The real failing is that it is so terrified of stoking up pro-independence sentiment that it will not hold the British government to account for the harm that it does to Scotland, or for the way that it seeks to undermine the devolution settlement. They are silent about the fact that the devolution settlement was introduced after the people of Scotland voted for it in a referendum, and yet the British government is using a referendum result which Scotland rejected in order to overturn a referendum result which Scotland overwhelmingly voted for. And now they tell us that no one in Scotland is getting exercised about the attack on devolution that they are not publicising. It’s the very definition of a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    ordinarily noob, i would give a monkeys on your interpretation of the facts, but you so wrong on everything you present on our affairs i have to assume you miles out on yer on countries affairs, tbh, if i lived in England, i probably wouldn't bother with these threads atoll, at least you have a resemblance of a balanced media. in Scotland nie on 50% of the population have no media representation to refute the claims of pure and utter bolox pumped out daily that drives one half nuts and the other half resentful. its the Westminster way.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Fin you know this should be in the baw and wind thread indi two but I'll entertain your sillyness once more as you're a gift that keeps giving :upyeah:

    This is not fact. The fact is most of the powers were given to the eu before the devolved governments were even created, how can you take powers away from a body that did not exist? The powers were given to the eu by the U.K. government and will be returned to the U.K. government. The only power grab attempt is by the devolved governments (mostly Scotland though) trying to get powers they never had

    and the rest of your FACT's because of this are shown to be non facts at all

    Again fin I raise the point, after 10 years of snp government why is your representation as shite as you claim it is?

    If you keep voting for forest gump, you can't blame others that you got the coffee one from life's box of chocolates. :D
  9. i know, i should blame labour right? which of coarse you can do up here seeing, as they had pretty much full control of everything at a MP level for decades up until about 3years ago, the feeble fifty as they where known. and at council level until a year and a half ago.which of coarse is where the real politicking takes place.
    the rest? meh, i dont recognize your argument about the EU exorcising powers with impunity, save it for the bitter amoungst you. we have representation out there, nothing much gets done without our approval.
    the devo settlement clearly states nothing that is reserved is automatically devolved. thats what the people Scotland voted for, had the "vow" been honored in 2014 we wouldn't even be having this conversation. got a problem with that? take it up with Cameron or May.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Fin, for an snp supporter to talk about honouring the indi vote in 2014 whilst at the same time pushing for indi 2 and ignoring the Scottish peoples decision to stay within the U.K., is that the hypocrisy you keep talking about?
  11. nope, because they secured a mandate by the Scottish electorate to have the right to hold another reff if there was a clear and material change in circumstances, brexit being one, sewal and the Scotland bill remaining a convention rather than enshrined in law being another. doh.
    tell me, agriculture and fisheries where exercised at EU level, how did we manage to ban GM crops up here? but not in the rest of the EU?
  12. God knows, you're an odd bunch :D

    Yesterday I stood on Adrians wall with my £2.05 2 litre bottle of white lightening, waving it at the Scots who now have to pay £5 for the very same bottle. Both nations have differences it seems :beer:
  13. yip, god knows how uniform the EU can be while still being so flexible with the right people doing the negotiating.
    so, yer on the white lightning and cheep rotgut vodka ?, no surprises there.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  14. ............and we still haven't left. ;)
  15. Nope, I was throwing cider at the miscreants, as to cheap rotgut vodka, never touch the made in lincoln rubbish by locals but Chase vodka from the freezer could tempt me

    Of course we haven't, the leaving date is the March the 29th 2019 and all out by 31st December 2020, why are you in such a rush you premature ejaculator you :D

    Calm down dear, all good things come to those who wait.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Hadrian's. :rolleyes:

    The waaaaaaall

    You should have popped in for a coffee (fresh brewed from beans :yum) @noobie Although I have to warn you, I'm about 200m north of the wall, so if they ever rebuild it, I'm stuck in the land of haggis forevermore. :worried:
  17. I'm not in a rush - I just want to say 'I T Y S'.
  18. I know what you mean, when the remainers said they were going to win.....
  19. I have always reckoned that eventually no side would win completely.
  20. Those bastard Remoaners in the Commons and the Lords are fucking democracy over. They are basically saying to Barnier and his pals give us a shit deal which we can get rejected then we don't have to leave.

    Then on 29th March 2019 next year the EU will turn around and say "but you 'ave left mon cherie, 'eer are your terms for rejoining", then all hell will break loose.

    Time to just walk out of the negotiations.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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