
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Strip out the theme parks. Now, is that ANY good reason to fly the Atlantic to go to Orlando, when you could go anywhere else? No.

    So it comes down to whether you love theme parks or not.
  2. my sisters hubby is american .... im waiting now 8th day for him to scan me one single page and send by email.... 1st day he forgot, 2nd day too tired, 3rd day he felt asleep, 4, 5, 6, now we are on 8th and my inbox still empty :D lol
  3. My sister lived in Orlando for a few years, a while back. She was more than happy to leave.
    I lived not far away, in Tampa, and - likewise - I was glad to get myself gone.
  4. If you have been promising your kids for years that you'll take them to the Orlando theme parks, eventually you just have to make good on the promise and go. When they're about 10 or 12 is about right. Actually I quite liked it especially Cape Canaveral. My mother-in-law also lives in Florida (true), so that visit was an obligatory part of the trip in our case.

    Note to Rudolph Hart: Is there a joke in this somewhere?
  5. Difficult to categorise a nation in this way surely? Every year we do Route 66. Chicago is not easy and you feel threatened in the suburbs where there is real urban poverty. Out in the sticks across Oklahoma you meet the nicest sweetest hometown people. First motorcycle tour roadside with a puncture in Oklahoma and THREE people stopped to help. St Louis was another tale of deprivation - no money in the USA really means NO MONEY. But then we went to a Rodeo in Albuquerque and the patriotic fervour as they sang the National Anthem was tangible. Proud of their country - why not? Then we get to the sprawl that is Los Angeles and some places definitely feel unsafe. You have to go and see for yourself. I have had some great times in Colorado - now that could be a good place to start? Riding through the National parks really is sublime...
  6. I have to say when in Finland ( especiallyas they had a history of being ruled by other countries).
    They are proud of their country , houses often in the outer villiages I've been have their flag out front .
    There is the wonderful " Great Finnish epic " Kalevala .
    There is still a great respect for the country and landscape.
    However ..
    yes there is good and bad in all.
    But .. I find the people I have met not loud or brash .
    Infact ok when with friends sarcasm and teasing and fun insults are normal.
    But polite , and quiet .
    English we are noisy.. There's noise everywhere nattering babbling.
    They are not noisy usually .. Talk for the sake of talk is not needed.
    why speak when you have nothing of use to say .

    Paivi may tell me off and say rubbish ... Sorry just my observations.

    Even Scandanavian countries have flag days and are patriotic.
    But again not rowdy.
    Sweden the same but not overbearing .

    Most Americans ive met have been so dam loud!!!
    And the whole USA no 1 thing ...
    Why so loud .. ?
    The problem comes when people realise that the whole living the dream thing is not going to happen to them or they don't fit in.
    Also if you ask about The dream ... Most have no idea ..
    Nothing wrong with being patriotic and proud I just don't like it shouted at me at 200 decibels with fist pumping ..

    I know where I'd rather be ! In quieter more respectful of their surroundings Finland or Scandanavia.

    it is interesting though here if I stuck a flag pole outside flying our flag I'd probably get a brick through my window!!!!
    Sadly we can be dam irritating abroad :( with our grunting and pointing at things we want !
    Or jumping about " Engerlaaaaand" aghhhhh!!!

    We are slowly getting more Americanised.
    All I can say is ... Phew firearm law is tighter here !
    i hope it stays that way.
    I know they say its not Guns that kill you it's people .
    But they have a harder job when just armed with a mop!!!
    USA can keep their gun laws and right to bare arms.

    I admit I married a nasty American , basically I left as he was a violent drunk.
    but being constantly told your country is shit compared to there's wears thin!
    I actually said well put in to go back if its so wonderful !!!
    The nice guys I met where quiet and smarter!
  7. Why do the Americans have a thing about shirtsleeves?

    I just can't understand it.
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  8. No no no. It's the right to Bear Harms!! Something about killing Kodiaks...
  9. I was watching some american vegas programme on discovery called pawn stars . Some one was trying to pawn some world war stuff . The shop owner explained to him that when the second world war started in 1941 ​the item was made by the 100k so wasnt that rare . I could have chucked the telly out of the window . The ignorant twat.
  10. The 'right to arm bears' is more sensible.
  11. Sounds about right. The whole history and geography of the world is defined in American terms that side of the Atlantic.
    Says it all, really.
  12. The Chinese think the Second World War started in 1937, and we were the late-comers.
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  13. That is not a Ducati! Bloody yanks.
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  14. If you kill it for the pot, does it become Bear Grylls ?
  15. No, you must barbecue it for it to become Bear Grylls
  16. Arghhhhhhh I mean bear not bare ... Doh !
    You don't see many Dukes however quite a few aspire to owning older Triumphs .
    Pawn Stars...... Watch it..
    It's scary ..,
    But then again the blokes in it are stereotypical Yanks.
    I'm sorry serves me right for tapping on a phone ....
  17. smash!!!!!!!
  18. Sorry to disappoint .. More trackies and perms out there boys ;)

    View attachment 10813
    After my mess up :)
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  19. which is in sharp contrast to the last i went to LA.....retinal scans, palm readers, drug dogs, monosyllabic blank, expressionless officials (almost all of japanese origin...go figure) etc took a few hours to clear customs..days later on the highway back from Vegas (or hell on earth if you prefer) all the vehicles were stopped by para military style "police" and subjected to searches..people in possession of alcohol were fined or arrested, lorries were searched and weighed..this caused an enormous backlog of traffic but my ex brother in law said that this was quite normal and happened more often than not (hes lived in LA for about 10 years....what a nightmare he's had getting an ID card, but thats another story)....
    A few more days later we were in my favourite american city, san diego....we were stopped at the roadside by the Marines!! (theres a huge base that occupies Coronado island off the coast of SD)...we were stopped, questioned, passports checked and 'freed'..took about 10 minutes but was very intimidating to be stopped by a humourless tw@t in shades weilding a machine gun..why were we stopped?? well, no answer was forthcoming...on previous occasions ive been a fine for 'jay walking' in 3am my mate and i crossed one of their streets away from a designated crossing..there was not a whisper of traffic and the crossing was about 1/4 mile away...ive had a gun pulled on me just for reaching into the glovebox to withdraw my ID etc etc..most americans live on the poverty line, a far cry from the myth that is sold to everybody in the world..our country is corrupt, unjust and unfair, but america is a few steps further down the most brits, the population are totally unaware that they live in a prison without bars....the scenery of america is a beautiful as the culture and mindset of the masses is abhorrent.
    if you dont believe any of this try the following on your next visit:
    Film or take photos outside any public building ie a library, (this doesnt require you to even face the building), stand around for more than 15 minutes anywhere that isnt deserted...the police will arrive and if the NYC the police will be in black paramilitary uniforms sent over 'for your protection'...
    Take a little drive whilst in DC (which is a district SEPERATE from the rest of the US)..anyway, drive 10 minutes away from the whitehouse and witness the poverty and crime of washington..take a 5 minute drive away from Arlington..same around 90% of LA..ive seen kids sitting on street corners with guns in their belts....shops behind bars (you get that anywhere in the states, particularly if they sell liquor)....
    its a fkd up place and the only brits that think different are either tourists or people that have never spent more than a cpl of weeks there, or have only seen it on TV...much of it is like the middle east with the same fanatical religious fervour and restrictions on person freedoms..

    If you have to be told youre free, then you must be a prisoner.
  20. Double-spacing makes it so much easier to read...
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