Advice needed - running power from a house to a garage en bloc

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Iceman, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. I'm after a bit of advice... I'm looking into buying my first house (yay) and one of the requirements is having a garage with light and power. I found a property which has a potential to be the perfect one but as far as I'm aware there's no power in the garage.
    Can anyone please advise me how difficult (and expensive) would it be to run the cable as shown on the photo (red outline is the property, blue line is where the cable would go)... The only part which is outside the property is about 5 meters along the path which provides access to only three properties.
    I assume I would have to get a wayleave from the council and get a qualified electrician to do it. Anyone ever did anything similar?

  2. Firstly you need to see what fuse box is fitted in the house, and if it has any spare capacity. If it doesn't you'll need a new one.

    then the feed from the garage can be run, using armoured cable is probably best. Depending on the length of run you'll need either 2.5 or 4mm cable. This won't be cheap.

    Then in the garage a smaller fuse box, say a 2 way, which can supply lighting and a ring main for sockets, can be installed.
    having the fuse box in the garage means that any fault in the garage will be isolated there and should not affect the house.

    the biggest expense will be the cable, and definately if one was required a new fuse box in the house. I couldn't even give you a rough price as I've been out of the game for a few years now and have no idea of prices.

    the cable run wouldn't be too hard, either run along the top or base of your fence to the garage. Looking at your map you'll need to speak to the neighbours to complete the run to the garage. The hardest part of the run is getting the feed out of the house.

    to sum up my ramblings it isn't that hard a job, and shouldn't be too difficult. Day at most for a good sparky.

  3. Don't think they would let you do it..
  4. 25m 4mm armoured cable is about £50-60 and a fuse box £150-200.... this doesn't sound too bad (far cheaper than a decent generator which would be my only other option). Running the cable along the fence sounds good but what about crossing the path? It would be buried and it's a straight forward job but would I not need any additional permissions?
    thanks for your help :smile:
  5. By they do you mean the council or the neighbours? Looking at the photo it's all on private property, so the council would have no say. Iceman would just have to sweet talk the neighbours. The cable could be dug in so it is out of sight. A certified sparky would know the correct depths etc. If there is any public property then the council would have to be contacted, and a visit from the building inspector would/ might be required.

    iceman, is the path for access to the rear of the gardens? Work on there will depend if its council owned, unadopted etc. the cable would definitely have to be dug in though, depth of 18 inches if memory serves me, though this might have changed.

    the size of cable you use all depends on the length of the run, and what you're going to have in the garage. Fuze box for the garage will be quite cheap. If the one in the house has to be replaced, what will sting you is labour and any unforeseen problems.

    just so you know, if any problems are found with the house electrics whilst the board is changed (if that's required) the electrician cannot sign the job off until the faults are rectified. Well they shouldn't anyway.

    so you have a ballpark figure, my mate charges £550 to change a board. That's not me trying to get him business. Just so you have a rough figure for costing.
    #5 abmatt2002, Jan 25, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2013
  6. The electrician would have to certify it, not sure he would be able to do that?

    To be honest I would just do it! The worst that could happen is made to remove it & if the neighbour is ok they will never find out, you just need a friendly sparks:))
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  7. Reckon permission will the the issue. Either go solar or go in the alley at 3 in the morning with a padded shovel, dig a trench and lay the armoured cable ;-)
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  8. Just like to add if you ask permission good chance it will be refused.
  9. Cant you see if the neighbours would like power to their garages too (assuming they are net to yours?).

    May help with permission and costs.
  10. What do you mean, the electrician can't certify it, or that he can't refuse to certify it?
  11. Google Part P (electrical safety). The problem area is going to be the shared footpath that you have to cross, permissions etc (the deeds may help here). This may require a 450mm trench and buried warning tape at 150mm, possibly the cable having to be run in black pipe (Google BS7671:2001). You are going to have to involve the Local Authority Building Control Department anyway because of Part P, so why not give them a call.
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  12. Dont bury it, 500mm is rec depth and then tape n tile over it for protection. Use SWA and run along fence lines at around 1m height so it is visisble, preferably in galv, stainless or plastic tray secured well.Run the feed from the RCD side of the comsumer unit too.
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  13. So overall quite mixed opinions... I've got the viewing booked for next week and in the mean time I'm trying to find out from the agency whether the garage has power. If there's no power I will have a snoop around the property and try to find out whether it is feasible to get it done.
  14. Tbh I'd build a large workshop in your garden and keep the bikes and spannering in there. The garage can be for stuff you are not bothered about :upyeah:
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  15. Iceman,

    I did something similar in my garage, but it was on my actual property in that instance - but I can vouch for how easy it is to do, as I did mine and then got a sparky to check it off, make final connections and sign it off. Bought the parts, (spare off RCD protected side just straight into garage to run sockets - and we did a fused spur for the lights). Easy stuff. You just need to check the regs, get a collins DIY book which will actually show you how to wire it all up internally, or just get a sparky to do the whole lot for what won't be more than 250 of labour + parts. As you say, cheap either way.

    As for your permission issue, which is your only slight wrinkle - your lawyer will be able to enquire as to the legal status of that path behind your house-to-be - as many of these are "undefined" and are not maintained by the council at all. The usual way to check is to see if it is clear (unusual, council look after it most likely), or full of weeds and almost unpassable (then almost certainly undefined and responsibility of the householders - who don't care and only ever use it in emergencies). But if it's just the locals, I wouldn't even bother to tell them, or tell them if they seem friendly, but don't make a big deal of it, but just get out there one weekend and dig the (very small) trench to bury it and get it in there and to the garage. Get it in deep enough, in armoured cable, covered with tiles, buried etc, and one end loose at your garage and one in your garden. Don't buy the rest or involve the sparky until that is done - once that is away you are there. What are they going to do? Who will enforce the problem if it's not on council land? Are they going to care that much if it's done safely? They would probably care more that you had cleared it a little. We put a gate across ours without consent at all as the main use of those alleys is for burglars to enter your property from the rear where they won't be seen!

    If it is/were on council land, they would probably be at least as inclined to let you do it as anyone, but would insist it was all done to their spec, or by their contractors, at high price (just like when they make driveways over public pavements and you have to use their guys to do it so it meets their safety standards).

    So issue is one of cost and irritation, but entirely manageable stuff either way. You need light and power, and might I suggest that in the scheme of buying the house, this issue will be a "rounding error" in the bill.

    Go for it if you like the house.
  16. At a certain distance (can't recall exactly, but something like over 10m) from the house / fuse board the supply has to be via a separate trip and have a separate earth stake, and not via PME.

  17. Modern rules around DIY electrics are fraught with risk; seems a lightbulb is about all you can change.
  18. Just run an extension lead plug it in when you need it:)
  19. I think that's what I'll do... if everything else fails I'll just use an extension reel when I need it :smile:
    Thanks for all the answers :)
  20. If we have another summer like last year you'll be able to add "Hydroelectric power generation" to the list of options, you might even be able to get a grant to help with the installation.:biggrin:
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