To all you budding superbike championship contenders keep you riding to the track. Have been out today in the Bath, Chippenham, Cirencester and Bristol area and many of you will not see September. Booming Ducati’s sound great but keep your speed to the track. On a lighter note if there are any young bucks out there who are thinking of a vasectomy and are fearful of the knife buy a size too small underpants and do 80 miles on a Desert Sled. Problem solved.
Richard 1200 said: ↑ My daughter and son in law are and they regularly have to pick up body parts as a result of speeding. ---------------------------------------------------------- Well have a word with them to start nicking middle lane drivers and buggers that stop at roundabouts when nothing's coming....... They're stopping me speeding......
Could drivers who do not use their indicators in accordance with the Highway Code be beaten half to death?
Wasn't me. I wasn't anywhere near Bristol and I was riding an SV 650 courtesy bike. Get my knee down? I couldn't have pulled a pair of loose knockers down with that. I think I was overtaken by a butterfly at one point.
Feckin keyboard... Loose knockers shouldn't need pulling down but even then I'm not sure the SV could have managed it. Actually it wasn't a bad little bike but don't tell anybody. Sshhh..
How about ticketing these fucking cars with adaptive headlights that half blind you going along the motorway or back roads...