My 1198 On Road

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by cookster, May 18, 2018.

  1. My prediction:
    you'll miss a Duc on the road so will put the SPS on the road and that won't work either so you'll think about it at 3am for a bit then buy a 1199. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. I did think about selling um and getting a 959.
  3. You'll miss it if you do. I miss my old 1198. Mad bastard of a bike they are. Proper Ducati.
  4. Yeah don't think I could sell It, il just leave it at work and run it round Silverstone every other month. :p
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  5. You'd be mad to sell it @cookster

    Yes, the 1198 are hard work on the road when your not on a lovely open road with the opportunity to open them up and get in to the groove but when you are in a suitable environment to unleash the beast... As you know, they are just sublime, rewarding and make you grin from ear to ear!

    Putting it in to track trim sounds like a good solution for your situation ;)

    I still think the 1198 has the potential to mature and become a very desirable 'classic' in the world of Ducati. They seem to have bottomed out the depreciation curve too so I don't think you'll ever loose anything value wise on it either, perhaps the exact opposite give a bit of time :thinkingface:
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  6. I bought a 1198 last year to use as a track bike,enjoyed it so much I used it on the road as well and left my panigale in the garage.only got rid because of having problems with it, but want another one. I'm seriously thinking of selling the pani and getting another 1198 and a 996 just because ive always wanted one of those as well
  7. I've got both 1198 and a 996sps @shakeys dad if you fancy um?? I'm sure we could do a deal for the right money.:upyeah::p
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  8. Are they both for sale
  9. Could be for the right money mate.
  10. Two words describe an 1198 - Scary & Exciting! :heart_eyes:
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  11. And what would the right money be
  12. Il pm you mate
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  13. Still fancy that sps....

    You’d have had the right bike on the run today with that 1198 :p:poop::skull::mask:
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  14. Stopping every 60 miles for fuel?? :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Every 20 to have a rest lol
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  16. I’ve had mine a week now and I absolutely love it. I was worried about it being difficult to ride but it really isn’t! I find it to be extremely agile, stable and fluid. Giving it full throttle is slightly terrifying, it’s hard to hang on and change gear early and pull yourself forward at the same time to get the front down while everything turns into a blur, but it’s only the first week. It would be really frustrating and very hard work if I was trying to get a lap time, but I’m not. Yesterday for example I pulled out to overtake a line of cars in second gear and it did the most beautiful power wheelie without me doing anything. It must have looked great but it was all I could do to hang on to be honest.

    The non standard slipper clutch makes a weird juddering noise moving off and is very snatchy, but fine on the move, it might just be full of dust. The fueling isn’t right on the 70mm system even though it says 1198 racing on the dash, and it pogos back and forth sometimes in a straight line. So its going in for a remap, clutch fettle (please god I hope it doesn’t need a new one) and a change of fork oil. There’s every chance the fork oil is original, who knows. Also going to get it setup for my weight etc...
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  17. That’s what slipper clutches do, especially on dry clutches, IME.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. My dry clutch history is a 1991 900ss and a Monster, no dry slippers. I am sure that there is something wrong with it... it sounds like a heavy piece of furniture being dragged along a floor, for the second or two it takes to move off, if that makes any sense. It’s basically impossible to modulate and I keep stalling moving away from traffic lights which is just so embarrassing. I’ve just built a vlogging helmet this afternoon, I will upload a video so you can hear it too.

    The bike is so easy to ride but only if you are willing to show it that you are in charge! Which means being willing to break every single traffic law there is on the way to the shops, I don’t have an issue with that because I am an irresponsible fool. This is my only form of transport. I have already touched both knees down on the road and its only the first week it took much longer for me to do that on the 899.

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  19. TBH mt set clutch sigma slipper sounded like it had gravel in the lever when pulling away. It was fine
  20. I ment it crap for commuting which is what I use it for.
    It's also hard to ride while I'm wearing my princess dress lol
    • Funny Funny x 2
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