British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Its heart warming to see the Strong and Stable (coalition) in motion.

    Now whilst Boris is demanding a plane is the front page on one paper, Gove is attacking the Chancelleor Hammond on another, Not to be out done Sajid is busy telling the Police that he planning to reverse many of the cuts (no bad thing) made by May who is currently his boss, Sajid knows all about the Police because his brother is an officer. Does this mean that Boris has a brother in the circus?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Boris' brother is apparently my sister's MP. So yes, in answer to your question.
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  3. yeah!, whiskey exports reach new high, now accounting for 20% of uk exports and without it yer deficit would be 4bill higher, if i mind right the our food sector accounts for another 3bill yeah! between them thats about 22% of the uk as a whole, v,nice. not bad for only having 8% of the uk population.
    hmm, but hang on, the compassionate brexiteer wants us to import cheep food from Africa that can barely feed it self reliably without further deforestation and the Americas are suggesting licenses to produce Scottish whiskey maybe required to secure trade deals. hmm, how will that affect jobs in Essex?, do the dumb fugs know what their doing to their local economy? but, never mind, the oil price has doubled and reduced the deficit even further, Essex will be fine.
    i wished i lived in Essex, it seems to produce and control most of the uk assets and tax take from it. maybe thats why they're so blazae about it. :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  4. Fascinating!

    What other things on your planet are different from our Earth?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. the ability look beyond our own noses loz.
    something else the essex never thought about, with the loss in demand for essex food and drink, how are the local shoe suppliers gonna cope with the lower demand in steel toe capped trainers?
  6. Good lad, you're learning, U.K. companies in the U.K. see that wasn't that hard was it?

    Not wishing to be pedantic fin (I just happen to be that way :D) Most deforestation in Africa, about 80%, has nothing to do with farming but instead using trees for building and mostly heating as they rely heavily on wood fuel. Deforestation for farms as such is around 10%. Now the deforestation you're implying would be South America and not South Africa, happy to help and provide a map if it helps :D

    You and your jockular half informations :joy: I can help give a fuller picture you avoided if that's okay? The report was done by a group that is anti brexit and within it, yep you guessed it, the old chlorinated chickens. Not surprising that this report is NOT coming from either the U.K. or U.S. government at all but the usual anti brexit scare mongers but lets put the full article out for balance hmm?

    not very much probably in the same way it will not effect many in Scotland, they seem to be arguing whether the label has 3 years fermenting or however many. Plus we mostly either drink jeagerbombs, prosecco, jack daniels and coke or double vodka red bull :D

    I don't think we brew Scottish in Basildon? second part, good to know

    Good lad, you're finaly realising that most of "your" drinks and food companies are based darn sarf.

    You should try essex to live in Fin, I'm sure you'd be less of a grumpy pants with very little positivity, you'd be welcome with open arms, I'd give you a big hug ya galoot
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Sorry, wasn't listening.

    So, a sheep's gut, barley and some other stuff? Are you crazy?
  8. lil mad for sure loz., i live in the area thats gonna get hit worse, also lil sad, it worries me that some of the brightest in the country, can be taken in with the spin that comes from that ^. tho, EU elates *giggle*
  9. It's funny to watch fin, because remoaners like yourself where shouting at brexiteers calling them little englanders on their own bit of land afraid of the bigger world

    and yet your own perfectly put forward remoaner example is, we don't want the world to join in , please protect our gated community Mr eu. The irony is not lost.
    #12870 noobie, May 23, 2018
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
  10. News flash: unless you are in the Big Boys Club - media mogul, upper-tier politician, shadowy mover-and-shaker, etc - you are always going to be hit worse. Same as me, same as any oik.

    If you don't like it, or rather, if you are not going to put up with it, march upon the seat of power. Or if you don't fancy getting your feet wet, wait until Brexit is achieved and then march.

    You got your Tories who will try to organise things so that their chums are OK and you can hope for table scraps ... or you can opt for Labour/SNP etc, who will mismanage things until there are only scraps left, for everyone. Loving your choices? UK Politics 101, chum.

    My guess is, things won't change for the better until things change very much for the worse - then I give you 50/50. This country cannot be fixed until the people (the real people) in power, who don't think anything is broken, are removed. If you believe you can do that by means of any form of election at the present time, I admire your confidence.

    As things stand, and ignoring elites for the moment, there are currently UK people making minor gains in their lives and UK people losing out ... just as with what always happens in real life. It sucks to be poor. Until the idea of "scarcity" is eliminated from society and the marketplace, until resource supply not just matches demand but is actually rendered trivial in practice, there will always be winners and losers. Don't worry though, socialism can really sort this conundrum out (bwahahaha).

    I know, I have jumped ahead a whole lot of modules in the lesson plan but you seem to be chafing at your own slow progress.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. so close but so far loz. bright, but ignorant to the facts of who is responsible for what. yip, theres that word again.*facts*
    it must be hard to see whats going on, living in a dessert, trying to catch up on 20years of devo, a subject you never had any interest in before it started throwing spanners in the works of brexit, and relying on info supplied by a system and off shored media attempting to keep a UK,USA, elite hanging on to their diminishing power. "EU elite" *giggle*
    dude, yer a goodun, it must be real hard to accept you have been had, are you sure its all really worth it? do you trust gove, bojo, and the good doctor to deliver? do you trust the tory/kipper to get the best for the UK as a whole? choose wisely, yer jakit is on a shoogly nail.
  12. What the hell does "devo" have to do with how the UK is run? Goat finm, I am actually worried about your sanity!

    I am going to attribute the rest of your incomprehensible ramble to a temporary fugue state you're suffering. Which is fine, you go girl!
  13. I think this was the Oban county fair, I think that's fin on the drums

  14. yer right loz, i should stick to the one liners. here goes
    EU elites. *giggle*
    strong and stable.
    welcoming nation.
    punching above our weight.
    equal partner.
    lead us dont leave us.
    rule Britannia.
    rule Britannia.
  15. WTF are you on about now?

    Oh, just twigged. You are still fixated on what politicians say. If you did the damned politics lessons I set for you, you'd know that it is what a politician does that is important. Back to school with you!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. loz, accepting whats right for you but wrong in the whole, can at times be the hardest thing to do. i know you mean well, i am convinced of it, but yer just plain wrong in my mind where the abuse of power lies. i doubt you have the skills, even if you had the time, to convince me otherwise.
  17. I don't want to convince you finm, I just want you to use your brain and exercise critical thinking.

    Most of the time you just seem to exercise your middle finger : o )
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. loz, accepting whats right for you but wrong in the whole, can at times be the hardest thing to do. i know you mean well, i am convinced of it, but yer just plain wrong in my mind where the abuse of power lies. i doubt you have the skills, even if you had the time, to convince me otherwise.
    yip. if you could look in from the outside, at the company i have been keeping, it would be obvious to you why my middle finger has more girth than arni's thighs.
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