I'm unable to be medically exempt because my cancer was benign rather than malignant. Even though there is a high probability of it regrowing as all of it couldn't be removed as it was attached to my muddula obligata.
Had kinesiology and reiki today Then lunch with my bestie I feel quite relaxed but very tired now. Cup of tea in the sun then dinner making if I can muster up the energy Tomorrow I’m learning therapy life skills in conjunction with the local hospice and Yeleni where I get my complimentary therapies
Hope it went as well as it could have This morning was spent writing a list of all the projects I have managed since 2005, so I can revamp my CV and start getting it back out there now I’m ready to work again. Amazed how much, and how much variety, I have done when I start looking back. Contact centre set up, IT migrations, scaling systems, on-boarding new contracts....list goes on. It’s great to take some time to refer to occasionally on what you are good at and what you like doing, and find the overlap. Now i’ve Watered Mrs Bs allotment, and preparing for a nice walk out in te sun this evening before I cook a spicy prawn linguine for dinner. Must. Avoid. Wine.
Car insurance dropped by £11.18 per year by building a £10,500 drive, will pay for itself in just 939 years
Fixed the fridge in the motor home so it now runs on gas as well as electric. Cold beers for Donington !